Flash Button and Midi - Issue

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In Virtual Consolle, if button is setting to Flash Mode
and it is mapped to Midi control button in BCF2000
it (the button) do not work in flash mode but in On/Off mode when it is controlled by BCF2000

And if the Button is in a Solo Frame it is possible to select multiple Button from to BCF2000

QLC+ 4.10.1
Solo Frame.qxw
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I have the same problem :(
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"it does not work" does not mean anything, please elaborate.
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This because of the BCF2000 or whatever, not because pf QLC+

The buttons of the Behrinegr MIDI-devices are default set to "toggle", so this means when you push the button it stays pushed until you push it again, than it deactivates.

So it sends all the time the "activated signal", like if its pushed all the time and qlc activates the "flash" button as long as the midi device sends the "activated" signal.

You have to download the behringer program for the bcf2000 (or x-touc or whatever)to change the button from toggle mode to flash mode in the midi device itself.
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You can edit change the button behavior right on the device. It's not complicated:

https://media.music-group.com/media/PLM ... 0_M_EN.pdf pages 15-17
See table 4.2, enter edit mode for the desired button, use encoder 6 to change mode to Toggle Off, save, exit edit mode.
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janosvitok, thank you for great feedback !
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This can be done also from the input profile, just by checking the "Generate an extra Press/Release when toggled" option on buttons.

I think I will make it default on the BCF2000, so it will work out of the box with QLC+
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