Midi feedback on enabling frame

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Hi everyone!

I've got an interesting issue, which seems like a simple problem. When you assign a midi button to a VC button, it will automatically send feedback to the controller when that button is enabled. I.e. If I push a physical button that toggles on a VC button, then the physical button lights up.

This does not seem to be implemented for frames. If I enable a frame with a midi controller, the frame does not give feedback when it is enabled. I was hoping that, on being enabled, the physical button would light up, like it did for the VC button -- I was disappointed.

Is this a glitch in the program, or operator error? ;)

I'm running Lubuntu 15.04 i686, QLC+ 4.10.3a/Qt5
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Quoted from Changelog from QLC+ 10.4

" * Virtual Console/Frames: send feedbacks for the enable button "

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