RGB Matrix with sunstrip

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Posts: 4830
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
Location: Italy
Real Name: Massimo Callegari

@Jano: I don't have much time either, so when I see something that needs to be fixed, I open a reminder on GH (either for me or who wants to pick it up), so I don't forget about it
It's just a way to keep track of things and to describe them in "developer" words, not necessarily to fix them immediately. E.g. see issue #814.
As I'm getting old (:D) I forget things after 2 days, so it's a practice that works for me to compensate my brain load ;)
Posts: 11
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Real Name: simon lambelet

Thank you for your answers!
Posts: 1331
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

Hi guys,

after several months this feature/bugfix is complete. See https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/pull/902
Until it is integrated you can test (windows) https://ci.appveyor.com/project/mcalleg ... /artifacts

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