Simple Desk - Minor Bug

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Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:04 pm
Real Name: George Qualley IV

I just discovered an issue in 4.10.3 which appears to be related to the newly introduced resizing of the simple desk. It appears (at least on my install) that the maximum number of pages is 16. As such, that means that if the window is small (for example, on a 1024x768 monitor) highly numbered channels can't be accessed. So, for example, on my system I can't access channels 300 and above.
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More details please. Did you ever resize the window manually or does it happen in a normal fullscreen ?
What happens if you manually resize the window back and forth ?
I am pretty sure I've added the recalculation of the number of pages, but maybe not in every possible place.
Posts: 121
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:04 pm
Real Name: George Qualley IV

Well, IDK, now I'm not able to replicate that issue. However, in trying to do so I've discovered that while I can drag the window to expand it, I am unable to decrease the size in the horizontal direction once I have expanded it. So, completely not what I initially described, but a possible issue nonetheless.
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