OSC - TouchOSC + Node.js

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Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:57 am
Real Name: Petr Cervenka


first thank for this great software, I have project which i am using Node.js as OCS repeater which talks to Light Bulbs and TouchOCS controls it all, I am trying to control RGB Slider via OCS I have input enabled QLC sees packates coming, even the wizard will detect my OCS comamnds (/rgb/red, /rgb/blue, /rgb/blue) but it does not change the value or the slider it self? How do I debug this?

Also If I have slider with RGB picker how do I send OCS Message with RGB into it?

Screenshot 2016-03-11 09.09.22.png
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How do I debug this?
With wireshark
Make sure you're sending float values between 0.0 and 1,0
Also If I have slider with RGB picker how do I send OCS Message with RGB into it?
colors are not supported. even by the OSC protocol AFAIK

P.S. By the way it's OSC, not OCS...
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Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2016 12:57 am
Real Name: Petr Cervenka

But I know the OSC are geeting there, cos the Wizard is showing it right, and yes i am sending it from TouchOCS which by defautl does 0-1. Wireshark will onlhy confirm what wizard did alrady, taht it's getting there, but it's not changing any slider.

I have made 3 slides that change R G B and I want to map that to OSC .. but no luck.

Do I need to include page numbers?
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