Scene channel levels not saved after adding scene to show

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Well, I read the full post again and everything was running gently with a lot of respect for QLC developers before your full of contempt reply.

And you keep on that way: "All of this, by dedicating my personal time to it, when I can clearly do something else, despite all the shit I've been reading in this forum..."

I never " insisted like if you can work for me"
I never asked sometime " badly ".
I was always polite and respectful for your work. Read my post.

Can you say the same for you ?

Maybe I am the scapegoat....
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Maybe we can cool it a bit and get back on topic...

I'm (slowly) beginning to understand what is intended here, but confused as to why it works that way. Let me explain:

1) My workflow is to start by building up a library of scenes. Complex scenes. 10s of separate lights. Very specific values, especially for effects channels. I'm kinda using scenes as shortcuts. We'll get back to this as I don't think this is a way of working supported by QLC.
2) For each performance (several per year), I use my library of scenes and add them to a show, generally syncing different scenes to an audio track. Despite being able to go to the Show view, hitting + and choosing a scene, you're not directly adding a scene - QLC will automatically create a sequence in order to give the scene a duration in the context of the show, as mcallegari explained.

So far so good. It all makes sense.

3) However, when I look at the sequence I've just added to my show, all the channels are at zero, so I have to now re-build my scene. For 10s of lights, and ultimately 10s of scenes. If I'm lucky I remember to use copy/paste, otherwise I'm left confused as to why my lights are not working. mcallegari suggests that's how it is supposed to work. ok, I can use dopy/paste every time I create a new sequence to re-create my carefully crafted scene within the sequence.

FINALLY, I save the file and re-open it later on. This time ALL MY SEQUENCES HAVE ALL CHANNELS SET TO ZERO. All of my work setting up channels has been lost - both the root scene and all sequences are set to zero.

Somebody (TEL0000?, Plugz?) pointed out that playing the show restores channel values to the root scene, but it still doesn't restore the sequences. My shows no longer work after saving and re-loading.

I hope that helps.

I'd be happy to work on the documentation once I have a (very) firm grasp on how this is supposed to work and am sure that what I'm seeing is intentional.

Cheers, Jonathan
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I've changed the title of this post as it appears the issue is not directly related to shows.

Developers - please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help move this forward or explain the issue I'm seeing. Perhaps some others could also confirm whether they see this or what I'm doing wrong?

Here's a very short video of the problem - Add a fixture, a scene, a sequence and observe all the channel values being set to zero after saving and re-opening the file: ...

Workspace attached.

Cheers, Jonathan
sequence problem.qxw
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You do realize that you haven't added a step to the sequence, right ?
The sequence is therefore empty, and it is saved as such. So there's no value to expect to be set.

First add a step, then select the step, then set the value.
Posts: 21
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Real Name: Jonathan Wilson

Ah, I see what you mean. Oooops.

Here's another attempt, back in the context of a show. ...

Scenes can have multiple sequences, correct? I'm not sure why I'm unable to edit that second sequence in the show. It's not important to me, as I generally use scenes as-is (the same every time I use them).

Anyhow, back to my initial issue, here's my summary:

1) You cannot add scenes directly to shows - QLC+ will automatically create a sequence and add a duration for the scene in the context of the show.
2) It is easy to think your channel values have been lost, and they show all zero when you select a sequence but not one of its steps. A nice enhancement would be to automatically select the first step when a sequence is displayed, or perhaps disable the sliders as any editing you do at this stage is not being saved anywhere.
3) When you add a scene to a show, it is important to make sure the channel values are entered (or manually copied) into the sequence step(s).
4) After saving and reloading the file, the original scene will have it's channels all set to zero. However, the individual steps in the sequences still have their correct channel values.
5) Therefore, if you want to re-use the scene later in the show (or in another show), you're probably going to have to copy the channel values from another of the scenes sequence steps - you cannot rely on the scene still having the values you initially set it with and the new sequence starting off with those values.

So I don't think there is a bug here, just lots of opportunity for confusion.

Cheers, Jonathan
OSX, AKAI APC Mini, generic USB/DMX
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