Moving from manual cues to Shows

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Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:29 pm
Real Name: Clay Rackley

When I first moved to QLC+ I created all of my looks for a song as an individual scenes. I would then put those scenes into a chaser, in order, and manually advance from one scene to the next. Now I would like to move towards using Shows so that I can time them to tracks but wondered what the best process would be to make that transition. For a song, should I drop each scene that I've created into it's own track or is there a way to combine several scenes into a sequence first. I've attached my workspace if anyone would like to see where I am at.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Be cautious of this issue when trying to use scenes in shows:


Cheers, Jonathan
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Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:29 pm
Real Name: Clay Rackley

Thanks for the heads up!
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