qlcplus with lpmt

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Posts: 15
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this project rules! i am having so much fun setting up stage lighting at an old Italian social club in oakland, ca. that i get giddy every time i think about it & i wish to thank everyone who has contributed to this magnificent project for all teh joy & lulz.

i recently started get familiar w/lpmt (little projector mapping toolkit) and hope to find a way to control lpmt with qlcplus.

light is SO fun to play with!
thank you all,
Posts: 1336
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

lpmt supports OSC and MIDI control, so try OSC plugin or MIDI plugin. You'll probably need to create appropriate input profile.

Posts: 1336
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

...continuing from previous post:

USING LPMT with OSC: http://hv-a.com/lpmt/?page_id=40

If you have more questions, just ask. If you succeed, please share the input profile and your experiences (small howto would be great).
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@janosvitok wow, thx for the links! i'm still trying to get lpmt to compile on my system. in the meantime, i'll get midi working with qlc+ on the Behringer BCF2000 i found in the hackerspace here :)

once i figure out how get it all going, i'll do it all over again from scratch & document the process & input profile here.

additionally, I plan to start a light hacking night at the hackerspace soon too that focuses on qlc+, if anyone happens to be in the bay area.

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