"GO" button suggestion

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Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:27 pm
Location: Virginia
Real Name: Curt Nellis

I would like to advance cues using a traditional "GO" button instead of the "Advance to the next cue" right arrow that is at the bottom of the cue list. There have been times (because of the size of the arrow box) that the wrong button is clicked during a show. I would like to be able to make a large "GO" button that will advance the cues. Any suggestions on how to do that? THANKS !!
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Try a Button + a dummy fixture + output on loopback + input on loopback + cue list
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:39 pm
Real Name: Matt Weber

You could try what I do. Assign the space bar to the next arrow (and "b" to back) then put a piece of tape on the spacebar and write "go". Now you have a hardware go button ;-)
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