RGB Matrix Intensity

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Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:39 pm
Real Name: Matt Weber

Is there a way to control the intensity channel of an RGB Matrix? I created several matrices and found they run at full intensity and are very bright. For some of the effects where a color is specified I can deepen the color to essentially dim the lights. However, for some, like the plasma pattern, no color is specified. These end up blasting a 100% intensity.

On a related issue, in the Other controls area of the RGB Matrix screen there is a Dimmer Control check box. What does this enable?

Posts: 152
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:33 am
Real Name: Tim Cullingworth


There are a couple of ways of adjusting the intensity.

If you attach a button to your RGB function, you can change the intensity once it is running by "Right clicking" on the button. Also in the set up pop-up for the button at the bottom is an "Adjust function intensity" control which basally sets the start point for the intensity.

The other option is to use an "Animation control" which is specially set up for Matrix functions. This has an intensity control on the side which also starts and stops the function.
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:39 pm
Real Name: Matt Weber

I tried that and it works great, I never tried that control before. However, what I would really like is to set these values in a chaser cue. I'm creating a cue list for a theatrical show and I would like it to be push button repeatable. Any way I can make this work?
Posts: 152
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:33 am
Real Name: Tim Cullingworth

It looks like the slider in the animation control can have an external input control it, so you should be able to use the loop back system to get it to do what you want, I think.
Posts: 1336
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Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

Dimmer control: if the fixture contains dimmer channel and you enable this checkbox, then RGBMatrix will set dimmer to 100%.

You may achieve what you want if your RGB fixtures contain dimmer channel (e.g. LED PAR, or LED moving head)
- create Scene with all Matrix's dimmer channels set to specified value (channel groups may be useful here)
- create collection of RGBMatrix and Scene
- use the collection in a chaser

If the fixtures do not have dimmer channel, then I can't help you.
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:39 pm
Real Name: Matt Weber

Thank you!

That is exactly what I was looking for. The fixtures all have an intensity channel. The piece I was missing was understanding what the intensity control checkbox did. I could not find a description of that in the help or the forum. Once I disabled that check box and created the scenes I have the intensity control I needed. I have light towers facing the house for a color effect and it was a *bit* too bright!
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Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

Posts: 1336
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

I've added dimmer control description to the docs. Please check preview at http://qlcplus.zvukari.sk/git-docs/rgbmatrixeditor.html and if you have any improvements, tell me.
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 5:39 pm
Real Name: Matt Weber

Looks good to me.
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