contorol playback from midi/osc

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Mihai Andrei
Posts: 77
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Location: Italy-Arezzo
Real Name: Mihai Andrei

I tried the playback function in simple desk, type pointing on the singer, but I do not have external control or midi OSCulator .. and can do it?
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MIDI feedback in Simple Desk is not implemented.
Mihai Andrei
Posts: 77
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:58 am
Location: Italy-Arezzo
Real Name: Mihai Andrei

OK. then I ask if there is a function similar to that of the virtual console playback ... basically if I have 4 moving heads engaged with effects recall one or two on a fixed scene ...
I have 8 moving heads, and for the various effects: Colour, Gobo, Strobe, I have some unique scenes Dimmer for all .. kind: the scene Rosso makes me all together .. 3 of all the Gobo scene and so on ... but if I create a scene with a certain position and values of 0 effects I did not make them because the effects of all previous scene takes over .. how do I?
I ask one thing as if there were the HTP or LTP function of scenes not on the fixture
to remedy this thing I tried the playback function that is easy on the bench and not callable via external controller ..
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