switch operate mode to design mode[SOLVED]

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Real Name: Jean-Daniel Garcia

Hello everybody,

i got a litlle prob very difficult for me to explain in english...well i try...and if somebody can help me...really cool..

i have try to make a little console to show the prob and join to this message, but impossible to reproduce the bug... so im oblige to join my full console...

1. go to the page FIXTURES
2. page 3 LEGEND 412Z
3. swith the workspace to operate mode
4. push up one or two legend color fader
5. push the button off functions (all looks back to zero)
6. then switch the workspace to design mode
7. re switch the workspace to operate mode
8. ooops here is the prob....the fader is back to the last value...and not zero as espected....

Ok also if someone want to use my workspace...and modify...or to learn...how to build....its a pleasure...
its not totally finish...still have to do the adj mega bar....

Last thing...you are invited...QL addict :P ... for any concert..here..http://www.epicentre.ch/ just send me a message for booking

EPI base 2016 V01 pour QLC 4 10 2b.qxw
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Last edited by jadaudiodesign on Wed Feb 17, 2016 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I can confirm this problem and do not have any explanation for it :)
The fader is up, but the output looks like the fader is @0...
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H janosvitok,

thank you for looking my little prob..

it is not a hyper big prob. ... but still a little bug i also dont understand...
well that just mean a need to be very carefull before a start a show, i need to check visually that all fader are really at zero... because even 'stop all functions' doesnt fix that...

well it doesnt really affect the job i just tested it...when i finish a concert generally i push down all my faders on the boards before i quit ql

thank you again...well maybe one day ill find why....if yes i tell you...

good night JD
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Real Name: siggi

delete in the top right of the submaster
and everything will be fine. :)
Greetings Siggi
Last edited by siggi-de on Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Waoo yes it work how did you find that....
when i delete that submaster...and put a new submaster....pop no more problem...well the technical mysteries...

bravo again and thank you

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Great Siggi. :)

To jadaudiodesign, It would be helpful for reading if you could add to add [SOLVED] in the initial title. ;)
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ok iv also tried to like rest the original sub...mean...fade to zero and refade to full...it also kill the problem
i dont know what was wrong with that sub.. but work perfectly now

thanks Siggi
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ooops sorry i was wrong in the last message...creat a new sub doesnt resolved the prob...

so i decided to delete definitly that sub fader...and use the grand master :P
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it is not really solved.
because if a new submaster is created,
back the problem.
Why this is so, I do not know.
This is a question to the programmer.
These make a super good work, thanks for that. :)
- Excuse my english / google translator - :(
greetings from Germany
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