[SOLVED] Cascaded Frames with pages: saving bug

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Hey guys,

I noticed a bug when saving a workspace with cascaded frames with multiple pages. Some pages of the inner frame are lost.

Steps to reproduce:
- open the provided workspace file
- enable pages for the outer frame - enable duplicating the first page! Chose 4 pages
- everything is fin (compliment for the really great duplicating feature!)
- save workspace
- open workspace again, you'll see that some pages are present, some others aren't:
Page 1
Page 1 - fine
Page 2 - fine
Page 3 - fine
Page 4 - fine
Page 2
Page 1 - lost
Page 2 - fine
Page 3 - lost
Page 4 - lost
Page 3
Page 1 - lost
Page 2 - lost
Page 3 - fine
Page 4 - lost
Page 4
Page 1 - lost
Page 2 - lost
Page 3 - lost
Page 4 - fine

I'm working with QLC+ 4.10.3 GIT under 14.04 Xubuntu 64Bit with Qt 5.2.1.

Thanks in advance!
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Hi, thanks for spotting.

I've reproduced it with QLC+ 4.9.1 as well, so it is not related to the XML saving.
It was there before and it's probably related to the multipage frame cloning.

Gonna investigate it.

[EDIT] As I suspected. Very simple workspace attached.
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Fixed on GIT
Although the items display is now correct, the input mapping behaviour might be unexpected.

Best thing would be not to have multipage frames inside multipage frames. Just do it in a single multipage frame with many pages.
Posts: 703
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mcallegari wrote:Fixed on GIT
Although the items display is now correct, the input mapping behaviour might be unexpected.

Best thing would be not to have multipage frames inside multipage frames. Just do it in a single multipage frame with many pages.
Thank you for your work! I'll try this tomorrow.
A frame with many pages wouldn't work so good for me, because I want to multiply the number of encoders on my BCF2000 for every set of faders.
Posts: 703
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Works completely as expected. Very good job!
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