[SOLVED] Problem controlling audio triggers widgets using loopback adapter

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Posts: 21
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Real Name: Jonathan Wilson

I've set up my system so that I can use the loopback adapter to control widgets on the virtual console. I have 'virtual' dimmers on universe 2, looping back to universe 3, and I'm using that to turn widgets on and off.

Controlling a cue list works as expected - I turn the scene on, the cue list is enabled, turn off the scene, the cue list is disabled.

However, with an audio trigger, it toggles on or off every time I turn the scene on, and does nothing when I turn the scene off:

Scene on, trigger on
Scene off, nothing happens
Scene on, trigger off
Scene off, nothing happens

Any advice?


Cheers, Jonathan
Last edited by badgermanus on Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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badgermanus wrote:I have 'virtual' dimmers on universe 2, looping back to universe 3
You can loopback from universe 2 to universe 2.
badgermanus wrote:Any advice?
Yes, please share the workspace you created.
Posts: 21
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Real Name: Jonathan Wilson

Here is the workspace:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/e1n4e8hrh2gdu ... m.qxw?dl=0

Ignore all the extraneous shows, fixtures, etc - I've stripped down the virtual console to just the button linked to the loopback adapter and the audio trigger I'm trying to control.

Cheers, Jonathan
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Activating the flash option for the button would work.
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Real Name: Jonathan Wilson

TEL0000 wrote:Activating the flash option for the button would work.
Audio triggers do not have a flash option...
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I mean the Button that triggers the loopback. That way you could make it toggle with every click.
But i understand now, that you want the audio trigger to be active when the scene is active.

The problem is, that any Value > 0 triggers a button. You only send 255 when you start the scene and 0 when you stop it, so it only gets triggered when you start the scene.

You can change the dimmer curve of the Loopback Dimmer to "Preheat 5%", to it sends 255 when you start it and 12 when you stop it.
loopback problem solved.qxw
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Real Name: Jonathan Wilson

Thanks - that's a cool feature I'd not spotted before. For anyone else looking for it:


I'm now able to turn Audio Triggers on and off as part of a Show - very cool. It helps automation greatly - i was previously having to turn the triggers on an off manually.

Cheers, Jonathan
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TEL0000 - do you know how to do the same with Cue Lists?

As far as I can tell, they transition state (ON->OFF or OFF->ON) when the channel controlling them moves from 0 to non-zero. Your trick of using preheat doesn't work for them.

Ultimately what I'm trying to do is control both an audio trigger and it's associated cue-list from a show - i.e. automatically turn the sound-to-light feature on and off from within the Show. What I had to do was use a separate loopback channel, and send a 'pulse' to that channel to switch the cue list on and off. It works, as long as things don't get out of sync...

Many thanks for your help.

Cheers, Jonathan
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I'm going to declare this one solved (at least for me) although I'd love a more reliable way of starting/stopping cue lists from a scene.

In summary:

To control audio triggers from a show (turn them on and off), use the preheat trick mentioned by TEL0000
Controlling cue lists is trickier - you have to send a 'pulse' to the channel (turn it on then quickly off again) each time you want to start or stop the cue list. It works OK but you run the danger of things getting out of sync if you (for example) stop your show - the cue list will not be stopped.

Cheers, Jonathan
OSX, AKAI APC Mini, generic USB/DMX
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Real Name: Tobias

I've made the loopback trigger a button for another loopback that triggers the chase. I think this might solve your problem.
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Very cool - thanks!
OSX, AKAI APC Mini, generic USB/DMX
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