Issue on OS X El Capitan

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Joined: Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:06 pm
Real Name: Scott Stillwell

Wondering if anyone's encountered this - I don't find anything so far when searching the forums, but I'll keep trying...

I launch QLC+ (current version from website, 4.10.2b) and all appears well. I quit the program and from that point forward I cannot start QLC+ - it just hangs. If I look in `ps ax` I see that there is a zombie process (qlcplus) that is in "Exiting" status and never goes away. The only way to clear it is to reboot the machine. It's then fixed until the first time I launch (and subsequently quit) the program.

The fixture editor has no such's just QLC+ itself.

I've tried clearing data from Preferences and Application Support without any luck.

On the plus side, the RPi 2B I just installed QLC+ on sees my ultraDMX RDM Pro and eDMX1 (Artnet) with no problems...this is going to be fun!

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sstillwell wrote:The only way to clear it is to reboot the machine. It's then fixed until the first time I launch (and subsequently quit) the program.
Can't you kill the process instead of rebooting ?
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plugz wrote:
sstillwell wrote:The only way to clear it is to reboot the machine. It's then fixed until the first time I launch (and subsequently quit) the program.
Can't you kill the process instead of rebooting ?
No...the process is already partially dead - it's stuck in "exiting" status and can't be "killed" any deader than it already is. Kill, kill -9, nothing works except reboot. In many senses the process is already gone...but in others it is not. That's why "zombie process".
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Also on El Capitan (Macbook Pro Retina), my generic uDMX has been working fine until the last day or so. After a couple of functions (of any kind), all fixtures will lock and if I attempt to turn off and on the Output box for uDMX in Input/Output, I will receive the following error, and the uDMX will need a re-scan.

"An error occurred while trying to open the selected device line.
This can be caused either by a wrong system configuration or an unsupported input/output mode.
Please refer to the plugins documentation to troubleshoot this."

No such problems on my PowerMac running Mavericks, and reinstalled El Capitan but the issue remains.
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Real Name: Scott Stillwell

Any solution to this? I can't create/edit shows without frequent reboots as it stands now...and that means I can't save the shows to my RPi 2B...and that makes me sad. :)
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Looks like a plugin issue, hanging on close (maybe a thread ?)

Have you checked if QLC+ opens and closes correctly without any input/output plugin activated ?
If so, can you show us which plugins you use to maybe narrow down the problem ?
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Real Name: Scott Stillwell

Okay, if I have NO mappings established, QLC+ will start and stop as expected. ArtNet WAS enabled for output, but I disabled it before exiting.

If I physically plug in a DMXKing ultraDMX RDM Pro and THEN try to launch QLC+, it hangs on launch with the dialog:

Starting Q Light Controller Plus

Which is very odd. Possibly passed the ArtNet check and is actually hung looking for the next thing? I have a DMXKing ArtNet eDMX1, but it is very definitely NOT plugged in at the moment, and it is not configured in the mappings.
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After force-quitting QLC+, I'm once again left with the zombie qlcplus process.

Rebooting...I'll be back shortly.
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In alphabetical order, after ArtNet there is DMX USB. I would bet on that.

Question: is your AppleFTDI driver enabled or disabled ? (if you don't know what that is, have a look here:, 4th Q&A)

Also, did you recently install any software that might have installed VCP drivers in your OSX system ? that could cause conflicts, even though I never experienced them on my skin so far
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mcallegari wrote:In alphabetical order, after ArtNet there is DMX USB. I would bet on that.

Question: is your AppleFTDI driver enabled or disabled ? (if you don't know what that is, have a look here:, 4th Q&A)

Also, did you recently install any software that might have installed VCP drivers in your OSX system ? that could cause conflicts, even though I never experienced them on my skin so far
...and we have a winner. :)

I used the ENTTEC tool to check and yes, the FTDI driver was enabled. Now that you bring it to my attention, I had done this before, but neglected to look at it after upgrading to El Capitan (or applying the 10.11.3 update). Lesson learned.

Once I disabled the driver (the hardware was NOT plugged in during/after reboot) and then plugged in the hardware, QLC+ starts, finds the device, and quits normally even after enabling the device for output.

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