I have some derbies/flowers that I use that have several combinations of red, blue and green lights. They can be activated individually or done together. Because of this I created folders of scenes for each combination that was available (red, blue, green, red/blue, red/green, blue/green, red/blue/green).
Things were fine until I came to the combination scenes. If I name the folder Red/Green, it will place a "Green" folder inside of "Red", Red/Blue/Green will place "Green" inside of "Blue" inside of "Red", and so on. The curious part is that it does this after the workspace is saved and reopened. It handles the slashes fine while the program is running.
I had a bit of a freakout moment when I opened my workspace to find that I only had red, blue, and green folders and thought I had lost nearly 30 scenes that involved 16 channels each across two fixtures! I know now not to use slashes but it certainly raised my heartrate for several minutes while I sorted everything out.
On the left is how my folders looked when I created them, in the middle is how they looked when I reopened the workspace, on the right shows how it nested the folders due to how they were named.