cue list, next and previous cue problem with left fader

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in cue list, the left fader not at full, when 'next' or 'previous' cue button is pressed the transition happens as if the left fader is at full,
as soon you move it takes again control over the levels.
qlcplus 4.10.2 / 4.10.2b, qt5, linux 64
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Please share a very simple workspace file demonstrating the issue, and explain what you mean by "the transition happens as if the left fader is at full".
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you can test it on the file I posted in "Toggle Virtual Console Live Edit problem", I've the same the same issue with it.
light and sound:
set the left fader of the cue list at 0,
go to the next cue,
the output happens has the left fader is at full
(the same issue of topic "Toggle Vitual Console Live Edit problem")
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There were 2 issues in this topic :, reproduced in the attached workspace:

- When going to VC live edit mode, intensity jumps to 100%
- When moving the submaster slider, intensity jumps to the submaster slider value

These 2 issues are NOT the same as the one you describe here. The issue you describe here as something to do with the "NEXT" button. Did you mention the "NEXT" button ANYWHERE in the other topic ?
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I uploaded a simple file, here the steps to reproduce the issue.

- start playing the cue list, now you're in the first cue and so open the monitor, "dimmer #01" should be at 255;
- show the crossfade sliders and move the first on the left to 50%, "dimmer #01" should be now at 128;
- go to the next step pressing the right arrow: "dimmer #02" goes at 255 despite the crossfade slider is at 50%;
- move the cross fade slider on the left and it takes again control over the output, but set it again at 50%;
- go to the next step pressing the right arrow; "dimmer #03" goes at 255 despite of the crossfade level again.

I just discovered now that if I select one cue in the list with the mouse and I play it by pressing "Enter" - I'm in gnome 3 -, the output respects the level of the crossfade slider.
But again: if now I use the "next step" button the output follows the level of the crossfade slider used when I selected the step with the mouse, no matter if I move it.
I'm using a package downloaded yesterday from opensuse, ... pkg.tar.xz.
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hi plugz, can you reproduce it?
I've the same issue in 2 different machines, I'd like to know if it's my os or qlcplus thanks.
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Hi Giacomo,
I can confirm the behaviour that you explained, tested on Xubuntu 15.10.
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