Moving head's fan effect?

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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 5:30 pm
Real Name: Oliver


What would be the best way to create a fan effect with multiple moving heads? Is there any easy way of doing it? Can't see any obvious way of doing it or anything in the manual.

Thanks! :-)

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Use a vertical line and give each head a different offset ?
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 5:30 pm
Real Name: Oliver

Hmm I'm not sure if that will do what I want, I have played around with that.

What I would like is to get 5 moving heads to converge on a point, or to move from all being parallel to being fanned out, like the middle one pointing straight up, the two either side pointing outwards a bit, and the head at each end pointing outwards more? Any ideas? :-)
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One way to do this is to create a couple of scenes and then use a chaser to make it a smooth transition from point A (pointing upwards) to point B (fanned out positions)

In the first scene you'd have all the fixtures pointing upwards, (or forwards/backwars/wherever you'd like)
In the second scene you'd adjust the pan and tillt for the fanned out fixtures.

If you only map the pan/tilt you should still be able to control the colors seperately.
Posts: 16
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Real Name: Oliver

Yes that's what I was thinking of doing, with a fade from one scene to the next so it moves nicely instead of just spinning round to the new position.

I thought if there was a specific feature for fanning I would have found it by now anyway! :-)
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Real Name: Daniele

I've solved the problem, kind of.
If we are thinking of the same effect (I don't know, I call it helicopter though).

I needed the moving heads to rotate in one axis (orizzontally) endlessy.

I created a circle effect and shrink it until on the screen I saw almost a line.
Then I moved the "line" vertically until the heads were parallels to the ground.

It works but at one point they stop to come back (so it is a fan effect, but not exactly endless).

I hope it is usefull. Bye.
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