Crashes when working with audio trigger

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Hey guys!
First of all, merry christmas everyone!

I'm currently experiencing crashes when working with the audio trigger.
The command-line output only says the following:

Code: Select all

*** Error in `qlcplus': malloc(): smallbin double linked list corrupted: 0x000000000162f360 ***
When using the -d parameter the logfile is empty.

Steps to reproduce (it's not crashing only at the last point, but mostly after/while point 5) :
1 - open qlc+
2 - create an audio trigger widget
3 - go to live mode
4 - enable audio trigger widget (it starts showing your input)
5 - go to edit mode
6 - select the input/output tab

I'm using QLC+ 4.10.2 built with Qt 4.8.6 (linux automated builds) on a 64Bit Xubuntu 14.04 Laptop.
I would appreciate to use QLC+ with Qt 5 but this version is not able to recognize any of my (built-in) sound devices. Is that a known issue?

Thanks for your great work!
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Just tried your sequence with Qt5 and it doesn't crash for me.

Both Qt4 and Qt5 versions show ALSA devices, so you just need to make sure you have a working ALSA installation
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Thanks for your reply!
mcallegari wrote:Just tried your sequence with Qt5 and it doesn't crash for me.
With Qt5 I don't even see my audio interfaces in the input/output tab :(

mcallegari wrote:Both Qt4 and Qt5 versions show ALSA devices, so you just need to make sure you have a working ALSA installation
So the build with Qt5 should also show the audio devices, when the Qt4 version does that?

Have you got any suggestions for me to localize the problem?
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Please show us a screenshot of the devices list with the Qt4 version and the Qt5 version.
By the way, which Qt5 build are you using ? One of the automated builds ?
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mcallegari wrote:Please show us a screenshot of the devices list with the Qt4 version and the Qt5 version.
Find some screenshots in the attachment!
mcallegari wrote:By the way, which Qt5 build are you using ? One of the automated builds ?
Yes, the automated build for Linux Ubuntu - could that be a problem?
Please note that I'm experiencing this issue with the latest Qt4/5-GIT (automated)builds, too.

Could anybody please mention some steps to locate the problem? I'm running out of ideas...
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Might be that your Qt5 instalallation is incomplete.
QtMultimedia uses a few plugins as backends to the actual sound system (might be ALSA, PulseAudio, etc)
Probably the package you're looking for is: libqt5multimedia5-plugins
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mcallegari wrote:Might be that your Qt5 instalallation is incomplete.
QtMultimedia uses a few plugins as backends to the actual sound system (might be ALSA, PulseAudio, etc)
Probably the package you're looking for is: libqt5multimedia5-plugins
Exactly what I was looking for!
This also provides a "monitor" device so I don't need any loopback..
Love this software! :geek:

Thanks for your help!
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