BCR2000 Input Profile

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as i wasn't able to find one and i got the BCR2000 as a new toy this Christmas...

Here is the input profile i hacked together today. I used standard "Knob" inputs, not the new "Encoder" inputs, as i had no time to play around with the new features...
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xarumanx wrote:as i wasn't able to find one and i got the BCR2000 as a new toy this Christmas...

Here is the input profile i hacked together today. I used standard "Knob" inputs, not the new "Encoder" inputs, as i had no time to play around with the new features...
Hi, thanks for sharing !
Just one question: what "EG" stands for ? Is that a convention you found in the manual ? (I checked but couldn't find a MIDI mapping of this device)
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EG - Encoder Group

you can switch between 4 encoder groups (buttons on the top right of the bcr). those buttons send no midi note but switch the 8 push-encoders on top of the board to send different notes. so depending on which encoder-group button is selected the correspondent EG - action is executed. I couldn't think of any better shorthand for it :)
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What do you think about "Top Group 1" , "Top Group 2", etc.. ?
Takes more space, but I think it can be understood right away by other users
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you're probably right...

i renamed the buttons and put everything onto github to make it easier to handle...

https://github.com/xarumanx/qlc/blob/ma ... CR2000.qxi
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If you use GitHub, why don't you fork the official repository and send us a Pull Request ?
Just place your new profile file into resources/inputprofiles and create a pull request.
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