Idea to clean up the feature list

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Posts: 142
Joined: Sun May 31, 2015 4:42 am
Location: USA
Real Name: Kyle Sims

This is an idea that just dawn on me, I have about 1380 sequences and matrix but most of them are empty or have zero DMx value. (By empty I mean there is not any matrix or fixture it was click to add a new sequence or matrix then click else where and lost empty) but back to the idea :idea: a button to filter out those features that are worthless. This just popped it my head just now to add a last used time stamp so if you have a sequence that has not been used in a months or a year it can be filter out for deletion. Reason for this is when I click the plus in show the software goes to not responding and most of time it comes back and opens the features to add load time is about 30 seconds to open, but 1 out 10 time the software crashes
Posts: 637
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:30 pm
Real Name: David


Maybe a "Create sequence ?" dialog when clicking on the "create sequence" button would have helped you not creating this mess of sequences ? :D
Krsound wrote:but 1 out 10 time the software crashes
It should not. Can you share your workspace here so we have a chance to make QLC+ crash too, and hopefully fix the crash ? :)
Posts: 306
Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:18 am
Real Name: Robert Box

Regarding crashes, I think an autosave/backup would be great - especially after entering a huge fixture channel definition followed by the grey window of death... Failing that, a pop-up timer to remind you to save every couple of minutes :D
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