What would be the best way to create a fan effect with multiple moving heads? Is there any easy way of doing it? Can't see any obvious way of doing it or anything in the manual.
Hmm I'm not sure if that will do what I want, I have played around with that.
What I would like is to get 5 moving heads to converge on a point, or to move from all being parallel to being fanned out, like the middle one pointing straight up, the two either side pointing outwards a bit, and the head at each end pointing outwards more? Any ideas?
One way to do this is to create a couple of scenes and then use a chaser to make it a smooth transition from point A (pointing upwards) to point B (fanned out positions)
In the first scene you'd have all the fixtures pointing upwards, (or forwards/backwars/wherever you'd like)
In the second scene you'd adjust the pan and tillt for the fanned out fixtures.
If you only map the pan/tilt you should still be able to control the colors seperately.
I've solved the problem, kind of.
If we are thinking of the same effect (I don't know, I call it helicopter though).
I needed the moving heads to rotate in one axis (orizzontally) endlessy.
I created a circle effect and shrink it until on the screen I saw almost a line.
Then I moved the "line" vertically until the heads were parallels to the ground.
It works but at one point they stop to come back (so it is a fan effect, but not exactly endless).