EFX editor only has movement for new fixture

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Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 5:30 pm
Real Name: Oliver


I'm new to QLC+ (and DMX in general), and I have a problem!

I have created a new fixture definition from the fixture editor for some cheap little moving heads that we sell so I can have a play with it (these: http://avslgroup.com/en/product/150.443UK).

Anyway, all works fine, using the simple console I can move all the sliders and the heads move, I can control all 8 channels and everything is as expected. However, when I add them to the EFX editor, I can only get movement? The 'Mode' drop down doesn't have options for colour/shutter/brightness.

I am trying to make an EFX where the head moves, and the light is on, and preferably some way of changing the colour/brightness whilst in motion.

Currently I can make two heads dance around, but without their lights on, which doesn't really work that well!

What might I be doing wrong? Have I missed a step when creating the fixture? Have I just got the wrong idea about it?

What I want to achieve in the end is to use the show editor to align a load of functions to a set a audio tracks so that we can hit play and the whole lot will run.

Thanks in advance! :-)

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Hi, you're talking about a custom fixture definition, so please share it, other how can we help ?
Posts: 16
Joined: Sat Nov 21, 2015 5:30 pm
Real Name: Oliver

Sorry, here it is, can someone tell me what I've done wrong with it? :-)
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- Dimmer color should not be White, it should be Generic.

- The fixture (I'm not talking about your fixture defition but about the actual light) is not RGB-capable, so of course you can't have an RGB EFX to control it.

To control the color, you can create scenes that control the color channel. And put them in a chaser if you want automatic change. Not everything has to be an EFX :)
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Real Name: Oliver

Ah cool that's given me the dimmer control on the EFX! I just guessed at white :-)

I don't have the fixture with me at the moment but looking at the DMX monitor I can see that the dimmer channel starts at 255 and slowly reduces, before going back up again, why is that? Interesting, but how is it controlled?

And if I wanted an effect that moves, changes intensity, colour, or gobo, how would I do that? I thought maybe it would be possible by putting an effect and a scene into a show at the same time but the fixture stops moving and just does whatever the scene tells it to do instead, I've watched the tutorials and read the manual but I can't seem to find the answer! :-(

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Got it worked out now! I had set the scene to control all the channels, including the pan/tilt, so it took control of the movement, so if I set a movement efx, then put a colour/gobo/whatever scene below it in the show it does what I want, is that the best way to do it? :-)
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There is no "one best way", but there are a billion ways of doing things right :)

If you want to learn more, go read the doc and watch Massimo's video tutorials!
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