"LTP" Blend Mode for RGB Matrices

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I use RGB Matrices very often, and the "Blend Modes" that were recently added have really widened the possibilities.

Normally, if I need to achieve something that the software does not support yet, I can resolve it by using multiple matrices. Unfortunately, there are times when this is, quite simply, impossible.

I very often find the need for a Blend Mode that will simply override anything above it in the Collection stack. Not just adding values, not just subtracting values, but doing both.

I can sometimes achieve this by using identical matrices simultaneously, one adding while the other subtracts. This is, of course, not a very efficient workaround, but occasionally it is not a viable choice at all.

For example: I have a row of lights, all of which have been set to 000.255.255 by a Scene. I want a Random effect. Now, if I wanted the lights to turn to 255.255.255 with this effect, I could use HTP or Addition. If I wanted them to turn to 000.000.255, then I could use Subtraction. But if I need these lights to turn to 255.255.000, well... I'm pretty much out of luck. If there was an "Override" or "LTP" mode, then this would be a piece of cake, and I wouldn't even need to layer effects.

Tl;dr: RGB Matrices need an LTP Blend Mode.
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That's also a feature that I miss, I therefore looked at the source some time ago to figure out how / if this could be implemented quickly, but I did not fully understand how the blending is implemented just by this short glimpse and I didn't found time yet for some deeper investigation on this. :P
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