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Trying to copy fixtures and midi profiles from mac os QLC to Linux os QLC. My home is called "test"

I have read the manual notes about using Terminal on mac os to locate the folder.
I don't understand Terminal commands. I have copied the code from a post about this into terminal like this and the result is-

Last login: Thu Nov 12 21:30:23 on ttys000
MacBook:~ test$ cd $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/QLC+
MacBook:QLC+ test$

Ok so ??? Now what ???

Can anyone walk me through locating the User folder, Copying My Fixture files and also copying the user midi profiles.

Surely These files could be put in a more accessible place or QLC have a shortcut or export option for exporting fixture & midi profiles.

Any help very much appreciated.


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Oh my goodness, the same questions over and over and over again.
Can you please search the forum before opening a new thread ?

Otherwise, Google is your friend: ... files.html ... mavericks/

QLC+ stores users files where Apple wants. And Apple wants to hide those files to users. Not my fault.
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Sorry mcallegari,

I feel a little daft asking you to give me a lesson on how to use my mac. Is not your job.
I did search the forum first but the posts I found didn't really help.
The post was more aimed in asking if it's possible to put the files in a better place or add a export option to QLC so you can quickly copy them.
How about QLC saving the profiles with the program file? This would be even better as you could use the file on a different pc with out worrying if the profiles need copying.

This is the first software that I have used that I need to learn to use the command line terminal just to get to the user folders saved files.
My dj software by way of an example has the files in a folder in the music dir with the midi profiles in, it's easy to find.

I'm not lazy so I've started to learn the comands from the net and youtube.
Thanks for the links they will help.
I'm sure learning the command lines will help for other things too.
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Ok, so this is how far I've got -

MacBook:QLC+ test$ pwd
/Users/test/Library/Application Support/QLC+
MacBook:QLC+ test$ ls
Fixtures MidiTemplates RGBScripts
InputProfiles ModifiersTemplates
MacBook:QLC+ test$ cd fixtures
MacBook:fixtures test$ ls
Kam-Fscan-40.qxf Martin-Robozap.qxf
Kam-iLink-Blue-500.qxf QFX-Light-DJ-20-Led-Scanner-8ch.qxf
LED-STRIP-WS2812-B.qxf Qfx-Light-Slimline-LED-Par-64 new.qxf
MacBook:fixtures test$ cp Kam-Fscan-40.qxf ~/documents

My home is called test.

Using cp (fliename) ~/documents will copy one fixture at a time to the documents folder.
This is ok and works but a bit slow.
Anyone help with the command cp to copy the complete Fixtures folder to documents. Examples please.
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I know this thread is two years old now, but I can't help but think there are more people still having this problem.

To find the fixtures folder on a Mac: Right click on the QLC+ application Icon and select "Show package contents."

Contents ---> Resources ---> Fixtures.

Now just drag and drop to copy your fixtures into the QLC+ library!
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And in fact it doesn't work like that.
See #5 and #6

User fixtures go into the user folder. Sounds pretty linear to me.
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