Trying to paste a chaser in show manager crashes QLC

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I started to poke into the show manager after updating to 4.10.1 today to make a simple timed light show for the office. I was starting to get the hang of things when I went to copy/paste a chaser I had imported. I hit paste and the program hung up, then crashed. I thought it was just a fluke so I loaded up my show again, tried to paste the chaser and it crashed again.

I tried making a brand new workspace (since the one I was using was created in the previous version) but the same thing happened. This only seems to happen with chasers as I tested it with scenes, sequences, RGB Matrices, EFXs and each one pasted without issue.

Using QLC+ 4.10.1 with Win10 Pro (also tested on Win7 Pro with same results)
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Please share the workspace and which chaser we should copy/paste to reproduce the issue.
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See attached. There is only one chaser in the workspace.
show test.qxw
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Issue indeed confirmed and fixed in GIT now. Thanks for reporting.

However, there are two ways of placing the same function multiple times on the Show Manager timeline:
1) cloning (like you tried to do)
2) adding the same function multiple times (I think this was working before)

The result has a quite different behaviour:
1) in the first case QLC+ actually makes a copy of the original function. So if you modify (in your case) the first Chaser, the pasted Chaser won't change
2) in the second case, the same function will be represented multiple times in the timeline, so if you modify one, all the other ones will change as well

Up to you to decide which behaviour you want to achieve
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Excellent, thanks for the quick response! :D
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