Need Help! Trouble with OSC

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Real Name: Simon Carignan

QLC 4.9.1
Thinkpad t420


I'm having serious trouble to keep OSC going.

I use Ableton Live 9 as sender. Sometime it did happen to work for hours but most of the time its a matter of second before it quit.

Using a OSC signal monitor i can see that the signal comming out of Ableton is steady.

Since im not an expert i was wondering if its a bug or im doing something wrong.

Help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you very much in Advance

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Duplicate of viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8834

Should be fixed with next release.
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Thanks you Mr mcallegari,

let me know if you want more details on my setup. I would be glad to help

Cant wait to have my setup stable
have a good day

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4.10.0 has just been released.
You should try it cause it's supposed to solve the OSC issues (at least on OSX)
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win 7

4.10.0 Crash as soon as i send OSC signal.

4.8.5 is stable.. Loving it

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msicar wrote:win 7
4.10.0 Crash as soon as i send OSC signal.
4.8.5 is stable.. Loving it
OK, if 4.8.5 works and 4.9.x and 4.10.0 don't, then it has something to do with the new implementation of the OSC plugin.

I need to kindly ask you 2 things:
- I have a licensed Ableton Lite Live on OSX. Would you please give me the instructions to send OSC from it ? Even better, if you can send me a very simple Ableton project that I can use to reproduce the issue, it would be great
- if you have the chance, can you double check that with TouchOSC the OSC plugin is working ?

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A custom Max for Live device is needed to get OSC going on Ableton. It wont be availlable on the lite version.

In Ableton, I set the proper Target IP and Target port on the sender.
Then i send an OSC adresse like: /qlc/chaser01
I catch it with in the input channel Wizzard
Then I use the adresse as external input in the general slider properties.

I have never used touchOSC... May be time to give it a try. Im away for few days ill get back to you soon

Let me know if you still want a simple Ableton Project, and where to send it.

Thank you very much, your work is greatly appreciated

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msicar wrote:A custom Max for Live device is needed to get OSC going on Ableton. It wont be availlable on the lite version.
What about his:
Looks like it's free and doesn't need the whole Max framework.
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Don't know LiveControl but it look to me that it turn Ableton into a OSC receiver. To control it with Touch OSC
I use Ableton as a sender to control QLC+

All the time i was trying to get 4.9.0 to work i had the impression that QLC+ could not support all the data that it was receiving. Just an impression since my knowledge in OSC is limited.

hope it helps

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4. LiveOSC accepts packets on port 9000 and sends data on port 9001
As far as I can tell, it can send data as well.

You mentioned a OSC monitor earlier. Is there any chance you can get a trace of the messages that Ableton sends ?
I am pretty sure it's a particular message that crashes the QLC+ plugin, but we need to find out which one it is.
Then solving the issue should be pretty easy.
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I can see in Ableton the message being sent, and how it come up in the OSC monitor.

/qlc/red 0.
show up in the monitor as:
[7770] /qlc/red/0.000 (float)

another example:

qlc/fader/red 0.510464
OCS monitor:
[7770] /qlc/fader/red/0.510 (float)

let me know if you need more infos

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Apparently they look good.
QLC+ accepts floats numbers and any OSC path.

There must be something happening sometimes, for example an integer value or a change of OSC path that cause instability.
Problem is to catch it...

Is your OSC monitor capable of saving a trace with all the OSC messages sent by Ableton (mayb while QLC+ is open) ?
Then you can stop the dump when QLC+ crashes and maybe we can find out what it was
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Hello Mr mcallegari

I just tried version 4.10.3a and it works for me receiving OSC from M4L patch in Ableton Live 9.6. Good Job!!

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