New PC for DJing

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Posts: 306
Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:18 am
Real Name: Robert Box

Hi all.

My friend wants a laptop to run QLC+, QuickShow (laser S/W) with audio input and a mouse. The issue is all that is hard to do with off the shelf kit. No mic input, limited USB ports and a standard DMX device (FTDI) has proven difficult. Running VDJ too on his single core machine is baaaaad.....

Anybody know what to do on less than £500?


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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

A second hand i5 laptop ?

The Acer E1-571 laptop I use to develop most of the QLC+ code is kinda OK and it was for 400€ a couple of years ago. Now for the same price you can almost find a i7. So you'd still have budget for a USB DMX Pro adapter.
My laptop has only 3 USB ports and I would prefer to have more, but in the end it's not that bad.
Oh I run Linux so I have no idea of the performance of Virtual DJ on Windows.

Maybe he can give Mixxx a try ? A lightweight Linux distro + Mixxx could be worth it.

Oh the internal audio card of my PC is to avoid...if he's a DJ he probably has one of those double-decks console (like Hercules MK2/MK4) and they usually provide also a better audio card.
Posts: 306
Joined: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:18 am
Real Name: Robert Box

The laser ILDA S/W is Windoze only. Need I say more? Mixxx is OK but your average PC user doesn't like creating the playlists when VDJ almost does it for you.

He wants a PC working before All Hallows Eve (Halloween to none-US folk ☺). Not sure yet...
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