Slider Matrix Chanels

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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:53 am
Location: Germany, Potsdam
Real Name: Oli Kue


since I could not find a solution for my problem in this forum I decided tu ask here. I'm Oli and right now I'm an Electrician at a set of an american movie, shot in Germany. In studio we got all kinds of weired structures with lots of practical lamps, all of them controlled indipendently. I tried this for the first time with QLC+ 4.9.0, USB-DMX (LinuxMint17Mate), and it worked out of the box and right away. That made me really happy.
But film has different requirments then theater.
Most importent to me is: how can I create a slider matrix, let's say 12 channels, an assign those channels to the matrix with 12 sliders? Same with button matrix. In the current case it was only 48 channels to assign to, but sometimes we got way more.

Thanks for an answer and sorry for any poor english.
After all, nice software I would liketo help improve.
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Look the example.

add generic dimmer fixtures
create a 12 button scene
in virtual consolle add 12 matrix slider and assign to fixture chanell
in virtual consolle add 12 matrix button ad assign to 12 scene
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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:53 am
Location: Germany, Potsdam
Real Name: Oli Kue

Yes . Thank you. But did you do that automated? Could you do that with 350 generic dimmer fixtures without assigning each single slider to a channel?
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there is no such thing currently. There's function wizard that may do it once somebody extends it to support dimmer channels.
Nevertheless, here are some ideas that may help you:

Do you know python/ruby/perl or similar language? qxw files are in fact quite simple XML files. If you know python (or similar) create by hand file with let's say 4 channels, open it in a text editor, and you'll see the pattern.
Then write a script to create any number of channels.

For 350 channels, I'm afraid you'll need multipage frame to put them all on the screen.

If you don't know any such language, post an example file and I may create the script for you.

Finally, did you try Simple desk tab? It may be what you need.
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Joined: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:53 am
Location: Germany, Potsdam
Real Name: Oli Kue

Thanks for your offer. But i got to figure it out by myself so i'm able to.
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Improvement is on Slider Matrix creation, with motivation:
to get quick to Sliders already levelmoded, assigned and named to e.g. whole dimmerpacks...

here my ragged ui:
(10.52 KiB) Downloaded 59 times
you know? enable group frame on selection "Levelmode", fill list with suitable fixtures ...

this time we want to assign each selected channel to one slider we want to be created in virtualconsole.cpp
before doing ... e.cpp#L838

perhaps a Flashbutton underneath each slider could be also fine, too
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