Make cue list show individual function fade times?

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The problem with Chasers is that they override embedded functions' own fade times. The only way to avoid this is to set the entire chaser to use "Default" fade times.

While this is inconvenient (it means setting fade times manually on each of the individual functions), there is a much bigger problem with this.

Chasers are often used as cue lists. Cue lists work well in the Virtual Console... if the functions within are controlled by the Chaser's fade times. On the other hand, if the Chaser has its fade times set to "Default", then the cue list fails to show the functions' independent clocks.

Even worse, the fade progress bar at the bottom of the cue list shows that the Function is fully executed, when its Fade-In timer has only just begun. Due to this, there is virtually no way of knowing when the function is in progress or finished.

Does anyone know of a fix for this? Has this issue been discussed before? Is there a workaround? I just need some way of knowing the fade's progress.
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