[HEADS UP] Help needed to test incoming version 4.10.0

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Hi everyone, once again we're nearing a new massive release.
The changes are a lot, and we need all the possible help to test on different platforms, hardware and usages.

In general, please test everything you can. Please report the results of your tests, even if everything is working for you.
Just state which platform/distro you're on and what you have tested.
This is the changelog that we have so far. A deeper description of the new features will be written once we release the final packages.

Linux: Thanks to the help of Veljko Stankov, now we have automated builds of QLC+. We're targeting Arch, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Ubuntu.
Please help to check if those packages work on your distribution.
Here's my home page for all the builds: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show ... allegari79
Here the direct links to download Qt4 GIT packages and Qt5 GIT packages

Windows: QLC+_4.10.0-TEST-20150925.exe
Please test the DMX USB plugin and MIDI plugin. Now the AKAI APC devices should work in Ableton mode 2.

OSX: QLC+_4.10.0-TEST-20150925.dmg
This is a very important release
This version aims to partially resolve the super annoying problem of the Apple FTDI driver conflicting with QLC+.
Basically the DMG bundle now delivers 2 drivers: a native Qt which actually uses the Apple driver, and the usual libFTDI that we've had before.
Unfortunately, the Open DMX adapters don't work with the Apple driver, so you'll still need to disable it in order to make it work with QLC+.

On the other hand, all the DMX USB Pro adapters will work out of the box, without touching your operating system. (so if you disabled the Apple driver, just re-enable it)
This change also add the support for DMX4ALL NanoDMX and Eurolite USB DMX512 Pro.
I have successfully tested: Enttec USB Pro Mk2, DMXKing ultraDMX pro, DMX4ALL Stageprofi, DMX4ALL NanoDMX, Open DMX clone
In the DMX USB plugin information box, you will see a text saying "Driver in use: ...". If you see "QtSerialPort" then you're using the Apple driver. If you see "libFTDI" then you need to make sure the Apple driver is disabled.

Thanks in advance for all the feedbacks you can provide.
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Downloaded Windows 4.10.0_TEST-20150925.exe as well as Pulled/Built for Linux (Qt5) and started testing this afternoon. Currently testing on Linux Mint KDE 17.2 and Win7 64-bit. It will be a few days, but I will also be testing on WinXP.

So far, everything is running smoothly. There are some minor concerns with some of the new fixes and improvements, and some issues that were pre-existing, but I think those are better discussed in their own threads.
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Hi guys,
I'm testing the new speed dial improvements (multiplier and presets) and I love them very much!

Maybe I've found 2 little problems.


1) enable multiplier on speedial
2) set time to 0h 0m 1s .0 (by keyboard)
3) click on upper arrow multiplier
4) time is reset to 0h 0m 0s .0

If I set time on step 2 with the +/- buttons, then it works as expected.
it's like the time is not applied. Adding "Apply" button and clicking on it does not help

I think it's something related to the previous: I can't reset the multiplier value except by clicking back 'x' times.
So maybe if I would like to ovverride the time value by manually editing the fields, the multiplier value should be resetted in this case.

Tried on MacOs 10.10.5

Thank you for your work guys ;)
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Small, but anoying bug on MBP 13. OS X 10.10.5
When I open simple desk, QLC window becomes bigger. I can't do anything to resize it except close and relounch app.
Here are two screenshots at the same place. So you can see how it changes.
In simple desk I can't see blackout and start buttons.
I don't know, maybe there is some topic about this, but just in case. Some problem is on the previous versions.
MBP 13 i5 8 GB OS X El Capitan

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Ovis wrote:I don't know, maybe there is some topic about this, but just in case. Some problem is on the previous versions.
This is a bit off topic cause it's not related to this specific version.
Please search the forum and read the documentation first.
This is the thread you're looking for:
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Multiplier: Yes, it's not really polished, I'll do something about this

Auto-resizing simple desk: There are topics about this already, you can configure the number of faders in the simple desk, but it looked complicated on OSX, search for the topics, you should find the answers
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I also started testing on Win 7 x64: I think I almost tested quickly every new feature I was able to and it works quite well so far, but I would also appreciate when the multiply / divide buttons of the speed dial would affect a preset value but even more important for me: Is there also a chance that the multiply / divide buttons can be accessed by external input until the final release? Accessing it just by the cursor is hardly practicable in my case :(

I will go on with some more detailed tests as soon as I can.

Multiply and Divide also don't work with a tapped tempo.
I'm able to crash QLC+ by adding a RGB matrix with no assigned group, adding an animation widged with that matrix and moving the fader up - I guess this bug also existed before.
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I've been using the 4.9.2 GIT version you sent me (to text for the OSX Program Change handling issue) for a while now on several machines and I've yet to have any issues. However, I did run into a very big issue this weekend involving QLC+. After doing a bit of research, I decided to install the OS X 10.11 GM and much to my chagrin, I found that the FTDI drivers seem to have a big issue under 10.11 because of the newly implemented System Integrity Protection (SIP). With two shows over the weekend, I had to use a backup machine to get things working as I didn't have time to see if I could fix things under 10.11. (*give me crap for installing a beta OS X if you must, I deserve it to be sure, but at least I waited until THIS weekend instead as doing it before my two shows LAST weekend would have been a MUCH bigger problem).

What is awesome is that in testing, it seems as if this version effectively eliminates that problem with my DMX Pro. I haven't yet had time to see if it's possible to install the FTDI driver or what in order to get the OpenDMX device to work properly or not, but it definitely looks like you've dodged a bullet at just the right moment with respect to the Pro.

Also, one thought with respect to these beta versions. Would it be possible/practical to have a beta email list? I'm happy to test and I usually visit the website pretty frequently, but I could see myself not being aware that there was a beta version available to test...
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Thanks everyone for your feedbacks !

beta mailing list: it's indeed a good idea and I already thought about it, but will "subscribed" users really provide prompt feedbacks ?
I fear lots of people here just silently grab snapshots and do not contribute back.
Maybe my expectations are too high, but if one subscribe to a beta, I expect to receive a feedback in any case. I fear this is not going to happen, for many reasons (lack of time, lack of interest, lack of reliability, etc.)
Also I have a "technical" issue that is sending email batches. The only way I have at the moment is through my personal email address.
Anyway I'll think of something.

OSX: So you're saying that El Capitan will change things again ? :(
And here's my occasional Apple rant ! ;)
I've never spent so much time on OSX like lately, and I am concluding that OSX is not a serious operating system.
They want to be a *NIX system, but they're light years away from what you can do on Linux.
In Linux we have the same "FTDI driver" but:
1- it doesn't take control of your devices like the Apple driver does. You're free to use them at any time
2- it implements all the standard serial port commands allowing real time signal modulation. The Apple driver doesn't, that's why I have not been able to implement the Open DMX protocol. The Apple FTDI driver is just a bad driver.

Maybe El Capitan will work better....or worse. We'll only know in less than a week.
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mcallegari wrote: OSX: So you're saying that El Capitan will change things again ? :(
And here's my occasional Apple rant ! ;)
I've never spent so much time on OSX like lately, and I am concluding that OSX is not a serious operating system.
They want to be a *NIX system, but they're light years away from what you can do on Linux.
In Linux we have the same "FTDI driver" but:
1- it doesn't take control of your devices like the Apple driver does. You're free to use them at any time
2- it implements all the standard serial port commands allowing real time signal modulation. The Apple driver doesn't, that's why I have not been able to implement the Open DMX protocol. The Apple FTDI driver is just a bad driver.

Maybe El Capitan will work better....or worse. We'll only know in less than a week.

I'm sure you know that there's a public beta of El Capitan out now if you have the time or inclination to try it out. It's a GM so I highly doubt anything will change between now and the final release with respect to this issue, but yes, it looks like there are going to be some issues for at least some devices. You might check this link out for a little more info: http://www.getdlight.com/index.php/en/f ... mx-usb-pro

Like I said though, it does appear as if the DMX Pro is working (and moreover, without the necessity of the FTDI Driver Control program) which is great.

With respect to OS X, yes, yes, I know your feelings :D but I'll tell you, I've never spent as much time as when I try to build something from scratch on Debian only to find that there are 25 dependencies which each have 25 more dependancies of which at least one will be totally unsupported on my architecture. I'll be happy to continue using my non-serious OS to actually answer my emails instead of spending my day building a desktop environment and an email client ;)
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gmint wrote:Like I said though, it does appear as if the DMX Pro is working (and moreover, without the necessity of the FTDI Driver Control program) which is great.
Well this is great news indeed. I thought you were still referring to Yosemite.
gmint wrote:With respect to OS X, yes, yes, I know your feelings :D but I'll tell you, I've never spent as much time as when I try to build something from scratch on Debian only to find that there are 25 dependencies which each have 25 more dependancies of which at least one will be totally unsupported on my architecture. I'll be happy to continue using my non-serious OS to actually answer my emails instead of spending my day building a desktop environment and an email client ;)
Point taken :)
I admit that building on Linux is not always easy. Especially if packages are not well done. (hardcoded paths, manual intervention required, etc..)
But building is a corner case on a OS, and most likely one should never do that, but instead install prebuilt applications via the provided package system (Software center in Ubuntu)
My point with Apple is related to how the OS itself does (not) work, from a user perspective.
Another example is the ElectroTAS adapter. When I plug it on my Mac is not even recognized because they used non-ordinary USB VID/PID.
It works perfectly on Linux, so now that I have realized this, I need to retract the OSX support for that adapter.
I just don't understand how this "close ecosystem" policy can help Apple. Closing too much simply doesn't make things to work.
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mcallegari wrote:
gmint wrote:Like I said though, it does appear as if the DMX Pro is working (and moreover, without the necessity of the FTDI Driver Control program) which is great.
Well this is great news indeed. I thought you were still referring to Yosemite.
gmint wrote:With respect to OS X, yes, yes, I know your feelings :D but I'll tell you, I've never spent as much time as when I try to build something from scratch on Debian only to find that there are 25 dependencies which each have 25 more dependancies of which at least one will be totally unsupported on my architecture. I'll be happy to continue using my non-serious OS to actually answer my emails instead of spending my day building a desktop environment and an email client ;)
Point taken :)
I admit that building on Linux is not always easy. Especially if packages are not well done. (hardcoded paths, manual intervention required, etc..)
But building is a corner case on a OS, and most likely one should never do that, but instead install prebuilt applications via the provided package system (Software center in Ubuntu)
My point with Apple is related to how the OS itself does (not) work, from a user perspective.
Another example is the ElectroTAS adapter. When I plug it on my Mac is not even recognized because they used non-ordinary USB VID/PID.
It works perfectly on Linux, so now that I have realized this, I need to retract the OSX support for that adapter.
I just don't understand how this "close ecosystem" policy can help Apple. Closing too much simply doesn't make things to work.
Oh you mean the package manager that's working so well on Ubuntu (as mentioned in this forum) :D Just kidding, of course, please don't take any offense, I'm just joking around with you. In all actuality, I do understand your gripe with this as I'm currently wrestling with a couple of video cards that were working fine in OS X 10.10.2 and were completely disabled with no warning under 10.10.3 (and I'm sure it's much more significant on the developer end of things). But that said, there are also a whole lot of advantages that come with a closed ecosystem, especially on the user's side. I mean surely, you cannot deny that there are some very significant advantages to the position that iOS is in compared to Android when it comes to fragmentation of the user base. Nevertheless this really isn't the place for that discussion, I suppose.

All that aside, I'm testing 4.10.10 now and so far, so good. There is one minor issue that I will note which is, try as I might, I cannot get QLC+ to honor the preference file settings for simpleconsole/channelsperpage

I don't think that this is specific to 4.10.0, but I thought I would mention it.
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gmint wrote:All that aside, I'm testing 4.10.10 now and so far, so good. There is one minor issue that I will note which is, try as I might, I cannot get QLC+ to honor the preference file settings for simpleconsole/channelsperpage
Yep. This is the thread you're looking for: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8846
In particular this: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8846&start=10#p38615
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mcallegari wrote:
gmint wrote:All that aside, I'm testing 4.10.10 now and so far, so good. There is one minor issue that I will note which is, try as I might, I cannot get QLC+ to honor the preference file settings for simpleconsole/channelsperpage
Yep. This is the thread you're looking for: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8846
In particular this: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8846&start=10#p38615
Whelp, I tried for about 20 minutes and I still can't get it working. Guess I'll live with that minor annoyance...
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I have a problem with Ubuntu binary.
Qlcplus-qt4-git Ubuntu 14.04

Trying to load the direct package at the bottom of the page ... all packages are only 6.4K in size. Normaly 8M or more.

When it installs, it installs only a few bits of documentation.
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Deece wrote:I have a problem with Ubuntu binary.
Trying to load the direct package at the bottom of the page ... all packages are only 6.4K in size. Normaly 8M or more.
When it installs, it installs only a few bits of documentation.
You're right. Bad story :(
Gonna look into it. Thanks for reporting
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Deece wrote:I have a problem with Ubuntu binary. Qlcplus-qt4-git Ubuntu 14.04
Trying to load the direct package at the bottom of the page ... all packages are only 6.4K in size. Normaly 8M or more.
When it installs, it installs only a few bits of documentation.
Packages should be fine now. Please test.
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mcallegari wrote:
Deece wrote:I have a problem with Ubuntu binary. Qlcplus-qt4-git Ubuntu 14.04
Trying to load the direct package at the bottom of the page ... all packages are only 6.4K in size. Normaly 8M or more.
When it installs, it installs only a few bits of documentation.
Packages should be fine now. Please test.
Package manager runs install but then does nothing..., and nothing is actually installed. Strange...
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Deece wrote:
mcallegari wrote:
Deece wrote:I have a problem with Ubuntu binary. Qlcplus-qt4-git Ubuntu 14.04
Trying to load the direct package at the bottom of the page ... all packages are only 6.4K in size. Normaly 8M or more.
When it installs, it installs only a few bits of documentation.
Packages should be fine now. Please test.
Package manager runs install but then does nothing..., and nothing is actually installed. Strange...
This might be the reason:

Code: Select all

> sudo dpkg -i qlcplus-qt4-git_4.10.0.20150928.f381668_amd64.deb 
(Reading database ... 284509 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack qlcplus-qt4-git_4.10.0.20150928.f381668_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking qlcplus-qt4-git ( ...
dpkg: error processing archive qlcplus-qt4-git_4.10.0.20150928.f381668_amd64.deb (--install):
 trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/qlcplus-fixtureeditor', which is also in package qlcplus 4.9.2.git.1442578011.095d296
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
Basically you should uninstall any previous version. Names conflict
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yes, that fixed it. Thanks. I can can install. Now to play.... :)
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