Black on CMY - Colour or not?

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Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:59 am
Location: FRH, Germany
Real Name: Manfred Flintstone

Function wizard:
Me was told that all 3 filters @255 together don't make much sense on subtractive mix:
subtraktive_fm.jpg (5.93 KiB) Viewed 574 times
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Curtis Kay) - I'd like to emerge -avuND world, but there are no news in sync for stable updates
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But as we are dealing with light it isn't subtractive, is addictive ;)
Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:59 am
Location: FRH, Germany
Real Name: Manfred Flintstone

You obviously mean the 1st, LED-light mix.

I speak of well designed machines like italian "FLY Trichroma", were you may fear that the 1kW behind melts through..., such are really blacked.
Maybe sometimes a nice effect, to light faded from darkness, but as chaser step not really...
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Curtis Kay) - I'd like to emerge -avuND world, but there are no news in sync for stable updates
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What's your point ?
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@plugz: pengumaniac says that FunctionWizard should not generate scenes for CMY lights with all C M Y @100%.

@pengumaniac: please try to be more verbose, eventually read the posts once again when you write them. It's hard to follow you.
We have to deduce half of the information... Thanks!
Posts: 75
Joined: Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:59 am
Location: FRH, Germany
Real Name: Manfred Flintstone

Ok - I'll try (DUBD=Design Under Bad Drugs, but thats not mentioned here!)

OddSocks assertion made me shiver...

Function-Wizard In general: Don't delete the creation of the function itself (as I reflected me, might be a usable effect "for short")
but consider, if it's worth a step in automated chaser-creation?
In August I had less time to program our PHW-250 washers and I thought at 1st. nice, colour macros, "quick and dirty" - but then I was wondering about darkness. See "16 colour chase"

Please generate me a Rainbow chaser: Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Blue - Indigo - Violet
that would be fine...

on such as colorwheel: fixed colours, then rainbow cw , rainbow-stop, rainbow ccw in the order - it is more troubled to filter them out of the capabilities. (Seen from your develop Point of View).

PS: how about nameing like "PHW-250 - Green" instead of "Green - PHW-250" for a better sorting?
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
The best way to predict the future is to invent it. (Alan Curtis Kay) - I'd like to emerge -avuND world, but there are no news in sync for stable updates
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