Fader like encoder

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Hi everybody,
I am trying to configure QLC with my akai apc mini to control my fixtures. I wonder if some of you have a solution to my problem. I'd use a fader as encoder. Let me explain: Into virtual console, I would select my fixtures via buttons and then use a fader to graduate selected fixtures.
Do you think this is feasible ?

I hope to read you soon.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hi, I think you can do it by using:
- Frame/Solo Frame
- Buttons
- Slider in submaster mode
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Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:39 am
Real Name: Nathan Durnan

My interpretation of what the OP is asking for might be a little different. I was thinking they were asking for the ability to use a fader to control relative intensity instead of absolute intensity. For example:
  • Fixture1 @ 50%, Fixture2 @ 0%, Fixture3 @ 75%
  • Select the buttons for Fixtures 1 & 2
  • Move "encoder" up 25%
  • Fixture1 @ 75%, Fixture2 @ 25%, Fixture3 @ 75%
Unless I'm misunderstanding the original post.

I've also done something similar to what Massimo is suggesting in order to control multiple channels independently from a single physical fader. Except I used the Frame Enables instead of buttons & a Submaster. See the attached workspace.
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