AKAI APC mini - Button-LED

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Hello everybody. I have the same problem, and I can not solve it. I've done both in the instructions https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/w ... uild-HOWTO, but when it comes to make the program
(cd qlcplus
qmake -spec macx-g++
my terminal fails. Anybody can create a file .dmg with modified file midi protocol.cpp for Mac OS? Or please write in detail how to do this operation on Mac OS. Thank you
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This is error of my terminal:
(MBP-Veaceslav:qlcplus Veaceslav$ qmake -spec macx-g++
-bash: qmake: command not found)
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qmake: command not found
qmake is part of the Qt framework, are you sure you've installed it properly ?
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I installed Qt, but these commands I entered in the terminal. It is not right? Please write the whole procedure how to do and what software. Or if you can, please send me a reworked version of QLC with changed protocol.
Unfortunately I'm not a programmer, so please explain in detail how to make, or please send me finished file dmg to my e-mail 7751213@gmail.com. Thank you so much
Sorry for my english, i use translate
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I tried to build the project using QT, the program gives me this error :
Neither libftdi-0.X nor libftdi-1.X found!
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I'm thinking that if I find some time I may implement config file setting for MIDI plugin that will do this.
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janosvitok wrote:I'm thinking that if I find some time I may implement config file setting for MIDI plugin that will do this.
Thank you very much
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Veaceslav22 wrote:
janosvitok wrote:I'm thinking that if I find some time I may implement config file setting for MIDI plugin that will do this.
Thank you very much
That would be great :)
MBP 13 i5 8 GB OS X El Capitan

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janosvitok wrote:I'm thinking that if I find some time I may implement config file setting for MIDI plugin that will do this.
I agree on having this feature.
Apparently this is a hot topic and in these days I was thinking to contact Joep to understand precisely what are the needs of who uses the AKAI APC devices.
Basically I suppose one wants to send feedbacks to the APC with precise MIDI values to light a specific color of a button.
If this is what is required, we can probably act at the input profile level.
Basically a special case only for buttons where 0 is always feedbacked as 0 and 255 can be customized to a specific value. (or even better both customizable)

Is this what you guys need ?
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What we need is to have the controller button with led lights works. They have three colors. Let the red is off, green on, even be true. Then it is clear what the scene on, which are not. So users like me, not programmers, it is difficult to do. You could make a QLC+ version specifically for Akai APC Mini, it would be very nice and would all be grateful.
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Veaceslav22 wrote:What we need is to have the controller button with led lights works. They have three colors. Let the red is off, green on, even be true. Then it is clear what the scene on, which are not. So users like me, not programmers, it is difficult to do. You could make a QLC+ version specifically for Akai APC Mini, it would be very nice and would all be grateful.
No, I will not build a custom version for the APC.
I want to find a solution that makes everyone happy and have a unified QLC+ version.
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Hello, somebody has made the installation file dmg that works with APC mini, sorry that I can not use a controller with backlight.
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Maikel Boerebach wrote: This is the part I have changed in lines 138 to 145:

else if (channel >= CHANNEL_OFFSET_NOTE && channel (channel - CHANNEL_OFFSET_NOTE);
*data2 = DMX2MIDI((value==0) ? 3 : value);
In the 6th line "3" represents the midi-value for the On state. When you play with these you can change the colors to green,red,amber(orange). And you can choose to let the LEDs flash. In the other thread i have posted a text-file which describes which values you need to get certain colors.
For your convenience i have also attached the midi protocol.cpp file.
Hi Maikel,

thank You very much for Your work. I used Your midiprotocol and it worked fine on the mac (to be honest it's a virtual machine I set up for compiling). Now I was up to create the dmg file to install it on my macbook, which will be the machine where I'll work with QLC+.
I followed the HowTo at https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/w ... uild-HOWTO , but I got errors. Some framework-files have been missed. I got em out of the installed QLC+ Version (downloaded the original install-dmg), but there ist still one file missing:

Code: Select all

error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/install_name_tool: can't open file: /Users/admin/QLC+.app/Contents/Frameworks/QtSerialPort.framework/Versions/5/QtSerialPort (No such file or directory)
make[1]: *** [install_LIBQTSERIALPORT_ID] Error 1
make: *** [sub-macx-install_subtargets-ordered] Error 2
Installation error. Aborting package creation.
Now I wonder where i can get the missing files from, because even in a "normal" installed QLC+.app is no QtSerialPort included. Could someone help me out please?

Just in case You need to know what I've done, here my HowTo:
1. set up new and clean OS X Yosemite VMware just for the compiling
2. installed latest versions of apple Xcode via appstore, command line tools, QT and MacPorts
3. Port-Update

Code: Select all

sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install libftdi0 pkgconfig libmad libsndfile portaudio liblo fftw-3 ola
4. Download latest QLC+ sources

Code: Select all

git clone git://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus.git
5. replaced the midiprotocol.cpp with Maikel Boerebach's version
6. building [EDIT mcallegari] WRONG

Code: Select all

export PATH=$PATH:/users/admin/Qt/5.5/clang_64/bin
cd qlcplus
qmake -spec macx-g++
7. install

Code: Select all

make install
8. make dmg

Code: Select all

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msccd wrote:thank You very much for Your work. I used Your midiprotocol and it worked fine on the mac (to be honest it's a virtual machine I set up for compiling). Now I was up to create the dmg file to install it on my macbook, which will be the machine where I'll work with QLC+.
APC devices and LED colors are now supported out of the box by QLC+.
Check this out: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9016

By the way, the build instructions you posted are wrong.
I'm not surprised QLC+ can't find the Qt libraries.
My instructions are correct, but apparently it seems you haven't followed them. Surely not when it says "If you see any errors, please report it in the QLC+ forum (development forum)."

Also, it is useless to do make/make install and then create-dmg.sh. If you had a look at that script, you might have found that it does make distclean/qmake/make/make install/DMG creation
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mcallegari wrote: APC devices and LED colors are now supported out of the box by QLC+.
Check this out: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9016
I just give it a try! Thank You very much!
mcallegari wrote: By the way, the build instructions you posted are wrong.
I'm not surprised QLC+ can't find the Qt libraries.
My instructions are correct, but apparently it seems you haven't followed them. Surely not when it says "If you see any errors, please report it in the QLC+ forum (development forum)."
Also, it is useless to do make/make install and then create-dmg.sh. If you had a look at that script, you might have found that it does make distclean/qmake/make/make install/DMG creation
Sorry, my fault. I must have missed that. I tried so many ways and instructions, that I must have mixed them up. Sorry again.
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Any final easy way how to set AKAI APC mini to buttons (on/off) works correctly?
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I am wondering too...:-(
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Found an solution. When you give the value 1, it turns off... Probably because of the 127 value and the 255 value...

Found a solution on a forum from Ableton: https://forum.ableton.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=209604
So if anyone is interested here is the mapping.

Pads: from left to right and lowest to highest row.
These are notes:
Row1: 0-7
Row2: 8-15
Row3: 16-23
Row4: 24-31
Row5: 32-39
Row6: 40-47
Row7: 48-55
Row8: 56-63

The velocity values for the different lightings are:
02:green blink
04:red blink
06: amber blink
07-127: green

The extra button row on the bottom left to right:
the extra button column on the right: top to bottom
The velocity values for the different lightings are:
02:red blink
03-127: red

The shift button is note 98. I could not get it to light up.
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