QLC+ iPad Pro?

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Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:39 am
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Real Name: Justin

Sooooo whens the QLC+ app coming out for the new iPad Pro? ;)

I know, I know, Massimo said he didn't want to deal with native apps in another form. But I wanted to raise the idea agin and see how others feel about the idea of QLC+ running on a 12.9' iPad Pro.

Things to consider investigating further......

Apple specifically pointed out in keynote the ability to use apples I/O kit with the iPad Pro(If QLC+ or QT interfaced with the apple IO kit that would eliminate the FTDI driver issue on QLC+ for OS X and iOS)

Since FTDI chips are used in apples products, they've wrote there own apple FDTI driver and there is a three pin communication connecter on the side of the iPad Pro for connecting peripherals like there hardwired keyboard. Id almost bet that three pin connector is an serial connection backed by an FTDI chip considering the iPad is being marketed for professional use in hospitals. That being said.. if it is, it maybe as simple as making an adapter with a MAX485 chip, tied to the three pin connecter on the side. This is probably just wishful thinking though on the connectors ability.
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac ... ction.html

[Edit] https://developer.apple.com/library/mac ... index.html

QT5 appears to support iOS. So I guess maybe to get QLC+ on iOS now is just a matter of funding the yearly developer account?

Whats your thought?
Would you pay for a native QLC+ app for your iOS device?
Or would you pay an in app yearly subscription?
Or would you use QLC+ with in app adds?
OSX 10.10.5 QLC+ 4.9.1
Surface Pro4 Windows 10
Raspberry Pi B OLA 0.95
Raspberry Pi 2B QLC+

Swisson XMt-350
Chauvet RDM2Go
Enttec Pro Mk2
ultraDMX Micro

Korg nanoKONTROL2
Korg nanoPAD2
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Hey Justin,
it seems you started to do marketing on a device that is not on the market yet and an application that it's not even guaranteed to work on iOS :D

What's my thought ?
Please be patient !

All you have written are considerations that I already have done (except for yearly subscriptions and in-app ads that I will never do)
I am just waiting for Apple Xcode 7 to be released, then I'll find an iPad and see if QLC+ 5 runs on it. iOS 9 is out on Sept 16th, so I guess we're almost there.

After that, we can start doing marketing :)
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Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:39 am
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Real Name: Justin

I know I just got really excited after watching keynote. :D lol
OSX 10.10.5 QLC+ 4.9.1
Surface Pro4 Windows 10
Raspberry Pi B OLA 0.95
Raspberry Pi 2B QLC+

Swisson XMt-350
Chauvet RDM2Go
Enttec Pro Mk2
ultraDMX Micro

Korg nanoKONTROL2
Korg nanoPAD2
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