Hi everyone.
After a lot of time to think how make my "desk Dmx" i get this way.
-Old rugged Notebook (panasonic toughbook) with touch screen.
- nanokontrol 2
- converter usb-rs485.
-qlc+ 4.9.1
i explain how i work.
I set a layout of nanokontrol 2 on virtual console, already connect with midi segnal.
at this point i have just to pacht the fixture and set for anylight a fader with "click & go" For the color.
i make the single light fader and group of light so when i need to give a color at one group it's fast.
with the touch screen and a pen it's realy fast set the colors.( will be a good thing have a botton gonna to set at 0 every fader click and go, so after dump the scene to chaser or botton or anything you can reset the canal in one step)
I plug also the matrix x-y for the moving head, single and togheter..
For special effect i just make in function and connect to the fader.
in the 8 fader i put 8 chaser so one time i set the scene i doing dump to the chaser i need.(will be amazing if it's possible set the dump by midi)
I use the 8 fader as a playback, so can be a chaser or a single scene.
( will be a good thing have a botton gonna to set at 0 every fader click and go, so after dump the scene to chaser or botton or anything you can reset the canal in one step)
i would like compare the work way of you.. so maybe i can optimize how work.
My console QLC+ with Midi and touch screen.
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- Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:36 am
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Thats a cool setup. I am using my MacBook Pro 2010 and an APC40 older model. It works fine so far.. But im loving the idea of using a touch screen. where do you do lights?