Enttec USB PRO MK1 vs MK2

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Having not yet bought one ... I'm taking the liberty to ask your advice:

Enttec USB PRO MK2 or the oldest one (MK1?):
which one works best with QLC+ ? (or simply the one you prefer)

*I'll use it for simple theatre shows.

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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Well, they have different IO.
The DMX Pro has 1 input and 1 output, while the MK2 has 1 input and 2 outputs with the standard 3-way breakout, while it has additional MIDI input/output with the 5-way breakout.
See paragraph 4 here for an overview:

They're both supported by QLC+ and I think the devices chipset is the same on both models.
It all depends on your budget and how many universes you need to control.
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