[SOLVED] Issue with QLC+ window maximizing and not allowing QLC+ to fit screen (Mac OSX)

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I was wondering if anyone running QLC+ 4.9.1 on OS X 10.10.5 has had an issue with QLC+ screen expanding off screen and not allowing window to be resized to fit screen after selecting simple desk? Also after entering simple desk and screen expands; Full screen mode doesn't size correctly either making it difficult to use QLC+ with the controls on the left and right sides cutoff?

Here are some screen shoots showing what I mean by left & right of screen being cutoff. and configuration Im having issues with.

if someone could help me figure out a way to prevent this from expanding Id greatly appreciate it!

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Last edited by mumbles on Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ive just noticed to trigger this problem if it doesn't happen as soon as QLC+ loads file, selecting another tab and going back to simple desk seams to triggers issue every time.
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This is known "issue" and it happens on lower resolutions.
Which screen resolution are you using ?

In any case, you can set the number of faders that the Simple Desk should display, so it doesn't force QLC+ to resize horizontally
See 4.1 here: http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/parameterstuning.html
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Im using a MacBook pro 2010 with a sreen resolution I believe that is 1280x800.

Thanks for tip. Ill try changing fader count this evening.
Last edited by mumbles on Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong when trying to change simple desk fader count? If I understand correctly I need to add two lines at the bottom of net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist. as shown in pic. Is this correct? It must not be because I keep getting all 32 faders when I launch QlC+
Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 1.05.15 PM.png
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mumbles wrote:could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong when trying to change simple desk fader count? If I understand correctly I need to add two lines at the bottom of net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist. as shown in pic. Is this correct? It must not be because I keep getting all 32 faders when I launch QlC+
According to the documentation you need to use a backslash and not a dot.
See paragraph 3 / Mac OSX: http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/parameterstuning.html

Also I'm not sure about <integer>. I can't recall right now the tests I've done on OSX. Have you tried with <string> ?
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According to the documentation you need to use a backslash and not a dot.
See paragraph 3 / Mac OSX: http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/parameterstuning.html

Also I'm not sure about <integer>. I can't recall right now the tests I've done on OSX. Have you tried with <string> ?[/quote]

Ive tried these combos and still no luck.
Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 6.09.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 6.13.24 PM.png
Screen Shot 2015-08-27 at 12.57.46 PM.png
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It appears that when I launch QLC+ after making changes to net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist QLC+ is rewriting file back to default code. I know code is saved because I closed out of editor and reopened file in editor to verify file was saved then open QLC+ still 32 faders. So I closed out QLC+. Reopened editor opened net.sf.Q Light Controller Plus.plist and code changes are gone.
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stop that tweaks (if not slider/page, perhaps changing "view mode" can extend, too)
and just try to save your workspace NOT, if simple desk is on the upper hand
switch then to VC, save, close QLC+ if you can, and start it new again (maybe w/ fullscreen & operate), this helps me also on 1024x768...

but maybe you want to use that cue stack "thing" ...
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Restarting QLC+ is the way Ive been dealing with the issue. Im working on multiple projects right now and when Im done designing and configuring QLC+ for these projects I won't be the only person running it. I don't use simple desk except for troubleshooting. But Its to easy for me or someone else to open simple desk just to check levels and insure loopback dummies are communicating properly and override a main fader if need be on the fly. Restart QLC+ sometimes isn't an option. Im using 10 custom loopback fixture profiles on a universe by it self for a total of 40 "dummy" channels to allow fixtures & scene overrides. I have Pro Presenter controls on another universe with 12 channels. And another 224 channels for fixtures and dimmer packs. I try my best to use DMX monitor as much as posable but some times simple desk is the quickest.

This project will end up residing full time on a 21" iMac so at that point maybe it won't be such an issue hopefully. Massimo said it only happens on low res monitors.

If I upgrade to a newer 13" macbook pro with a 2560 x 1600 display would there be any chance Id have the same issue with simple desk?
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this problem doesn't appear on my 1680x1050, so I think you'll get lucky.
as M. said, the issue is known, and maybe soon there is an ultimate solution,
but first things first, there are also other, more urgent "construction zones"...
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I understand its just an issue; not problem. Its just more annoying than anything. :)

Thanks for letting me know about 1680x1050.
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mumbles wrote:I understand its just an issue; not problem. Its just more annoying than anything. :)

Thanks for letting me know about 1680x1050.
There's indeed an issue on OSX.
I just tried on Linux and it works. I've been able to set 18 channels per page.

I tried on OSX and no matter what I do (backslash or dot, integer or string) it just doesn't work.
I suspect it is something related to Qt 5 cause I remember it worked some time ago.
I need to investigate a bit deeper.
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channelsperpage=28 is already fine on 1024 - but linux instead...
before, also "View Mode Fixtures" could bring me back to right size
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Thank y'all for check this out!

I don't feel so dumb now. At least I wasn't the only one not able to get it to work :)
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mumbles wrote:Thank y'all for check this out!
I don't feel so dumb now. At least I wasn't the only one not able to get it to work :)
And here's another OSX mistery resolved !
Preferences are cached !!!!
So basically OSX loads all the plist files in memory at boot, and if you change them manually it will ignore the changes. Even worse, periodically it refreshes the files, so it overwrites your changes.

I found this: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?s ... 8042828630
I like especially this:
Oh, oh! Cached preferences sounds suspiciously like the Windows infamous registry!
So, to make it short: open a terminal and run this command:

Code: Select all

killall -u yourusername cfprefsd
It forces the preferences service to reload, thus including your changes to the .plist file.

The correct syntax is indeed something like this:

Code: Select all

I should add this to the documentation. Oh my goodness this OSX is really weird...
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linux, my love...
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Great Job!

killall -u yourusername cfprefsd did the trick. It also now allows my projects to load completely without having to toggle between tabs to refresh. Before for example when I loaded a project if I was on VC Id have to select simple desk and back to VC for VC to load or vise versa. Now as soon as I open project its just there no tab switching necessary. :)

This is awesome awesome awesome!

Thanks Massimo!
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so you could confirm that 24 sliders is most helpful on 1280px?
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