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I am very new to QLC Plus and DMX. I have a basic setup running now.
The function I am missing most is a reliable beat detection. My use case of QLC+ will be more or less a nightclub.
I successfully applied the audio trigger plugin already, and I also figured out, that you can have such a solution by setting thresholds on different bands and so on. But as soon the DJ plays another track or changes the volume I have to readjust everything.
I also thought about using some external software to send a virtual MIDI beat signal to QLC+, but I did not find anything appropriate. I am on Ubuntu by the way.

So how do you guys sync your blinking lights to music without having the music playing off the same PC? (I know of the trick with Mixxx)
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:36 pm
Real Name: Drew E

I actually put a Compressor/Limiter/Expander in the chain before the audio input on the computer.

I know on the mac you can install software to essentially do virtual patching and use a plugin to achieve the same desire - but I wanted to keep it simple and not have much background processing going on.

Here is what I put inline with the audio input to keep the signal more calibrated. http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ ... HwodHGgDTg
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 11:13 am
Real Name: Daniel

I usually just tap the beat using the speed dial.

What I also did with a friend once who is using Traktor 2, was to use the midi clock signal (distributed via some midi over ethernet tools), we did this with another ligthing software that was able to get midi clock input directly, but you can also find some freeware tools that convert a midi clock signal into a beat tick signal for windows, on ubuntu you could also use pure data for example to convert the midi clock into a midi tick signal, maybe you can also find some simple programs for ubuntu that do this.

Using a compressor also sounds as an interesting idea. I also think it could be a solution just to gain the volume up since the beat detection might also work with a clipped signal.
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