Submaster from different channels

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Posts: 15
Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 6:22 pm
Real Name: Antonio


I have 9 RGB that get controlled just by the level of each color, so each RGB is controlled by 3 channels. I also have a korg nanoKontrol, so I don't have many sliders to play with.

What I'm trying to do, is to set 3 sliders, one for each color of the 9 RGB that I have. In this case, if I move one of the sliders I move 9 channels at the time of the same color. The idea is to have another 9 controls with a function similar to a submaster, so when I have them down those RGB don't set and when I have them at full they will.

On another words, I want to have 3 sliders to control the colors, and 9 sliders to control the level of each RGB bar. That way with just 12 controls I can select which (one or more) RGB bar I set for the scene.

Is there a way to do that?
Posts: 1331
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

I can imagine using loopback plugin for that:

create 3 universes: 1 - Lights, 2 - NanoKontrol and 3 - Loopback.
patch one dummy RGB fixture to Loopback universe at address 1.

create 9 frames of 4 sliders each: submaster, R, G, B.
make R,G,B sliders control respective DMX channels (level mode).
set input for submaster sliders to respective NanoKontrol channels.

set input for all R channels to R channel of Loopback universe, and the same for G and B channels.
you'll need to use "choose" button, expand universe 3 - Loopback, double-click the line below and enter 1, 2, or 3 respectively for R, G, B.
(alternatively you may create profile for the loopback universe with 3 channels, name them R master, G master and B master)

create 3 additional sliders (RGB masters)
set them to level mode to control channels in Loopback universe.
set input for them to some nanokontrol channels.

you may want to add the fixtures to 2d monitor so you can see the changes without actual device connected.
you may want to enable resize for the RGB frames and resize them so that only submaster is visible - to save screen real estate.

when I tried this, I create one frame and them copied it several times. this ended up with broken submasters - only the original one worked.
saving and reopening the workspace helped here.

I'm attaching result for 3 RGB lights.

maybe there's another simpler way, this is one that works...
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Posts: 15
Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 6:22 pm
Real Name: Antonio

Thank you very much janosvitok!

It works perfect and with the example I saw it very clear.
One last question: is it possible to control it with a button instead of a submaster? It would be the same as you said but the submasters sliders to be buttons to "turn the whole RGB on (100% the values of each RGB slider) or off (0% the values of each RGB slider)".

Thank you again :)
Posts: 1331
Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
Location: Bratislava, Slovakia
Real Name: Jano Svitok

You can't put button to submaster mode, so that spoils the fun... Nevertheless, you can have a button control a channel in a loopback universe that will control the slider! :)
Alternatively, you can set input for the submaster slider to a button on the nanokontrol (button off-slider at 0%, button on- slider at 100%).
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon May 04, 2015 6:22 pm
Real Name: Antonio

Got it ;)

Using another channel in the loopback universe and a scene that puts that channel to 100%, I can associate the submaster with the channel of the loopback and then call the scene with a button. That way I push once and gets to 100% and push again and gets to 0.

If I do it assigning it to a button in the Korg, then I need to maintain the button pushed to have the submaster at 100%

Thank you very much again!
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