Artnet output IP - Change request

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No, your Description is good :)

Here my Ipconfig /all:

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pffff... my win-knowlegde is too aged about IPv6 and mix with v4
I think using this netmask in class C is'nt fine nor the key...

routing? (route add)
Gentoo | profile=desktop | LXDE | QLC+ qt4-build / openSUSE 13.2-x86_64 | KDE | QLC+ qt5-rpmbuild
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The class C and Subnet /16 was for testing.

the Thing i want to do with QLC+ works over VPN now with changing the Subnet Adress. But it would be nice if the Whole IP-Adress could be changes so that i can get back to /24 Subnet.

The Routing is done over my Hardware Firewall and the VPN Client

IPv6 is deactivated.
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I've just uploaded a new test version for Windows.
Now it is possible to enter an arbitrary output IP.

Please check it out: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3135
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Works fine :)

Thank you

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