Starting a blog...really ?

A place where updates of QLC+ activities and technical articles are posted as if it was a blog
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Posts: 4807
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
Location: Italy
Real Name: Massimo Callegari

As if I had nothing else to do aside from the many activities I already carry out for the QLC+ project, I decided to create a new area and give it the popular name "blog".

I realized there are articles that I would like to write, that don't belong to the announcements forum or the QLC+ website.

Here, the intention is to write technical articles regarding all the side activities around the QLC+ project, such as QLC+ 5 updates, testing hardware devices, configuration cases, usage tips & tricks, what's happening on GIT, 3D studies, Raspberry related, and so on...

Don't expect me to write every day (nor every week) like most people do on blogs or Facebook. My spare time is always limited.

Registered users cannot start new topics here, but they can comment on posts.

Hope you'll enjoy !
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