Windows 10

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Real Name: Kyle Sims

Does anyone has the pre release to windows10 and does qlc+ works fine on it? My computer will auto update tomorrow.
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From what I've read, a bit of work has been done on the Qt libraries to support Windows 10.
No idea about the bits and bytes though.

The only thing we can do is trying it. If Qt 5.4.2 (currently bundled) doesn't work properly, then Qt 5.5.0 (or 5.5.1 in September) might improve things.

Does anyone know if the rumour about upgrading Windows 7/8 to 10 is free of charge ?
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Real Name: Kyle Sims

Yes, my pc ask me about two months ago if you would like upgrade free of charge I accepted it, supposedly tonight or tomorrow night it will download as an upgrade then it will ask to install.

Here is the link ... 10-upgrade
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Windows 10 works for me fine. I have no Bugs and it seems to work all. I test it
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On 1 of my laptops, I have Windows 10 installed. The only thing I've had to do so far is reload the drivers for my Enttec OPENDMX USB dongle.
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Win 10 and USB DMX PRO Mk2 works without crashes or mystical bugs. Of course i did clean install.
MBP 13 i5 8 GB OS X El Capitan

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I've got an old, 2010 PC that used to run with win7 pro and a USB resistive touchscreen. I've decided to upgrade do Win10 for the tablet mode and it works really great with QLC. Everything's perfect !!
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