How to launch GUI (not web interface) through ssh connexion with Massimo image?

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:35 pm
Real Name: stephane

is there any way to lauch the heavy GUI (not the web interface) when connecting ro the Rpi through ssh (with putty for instance)?
I have tried the traditionnal X11 forwarding with a Xming server, but it does not work.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Not sure I understand.
To start/stop qlcplus with the GUI just do

Code: Select all

service qlcplus start/stop
If you want to see the GUI on your PC via SSH, then it's totally another story, and it's a generic Linux question.
You might need to use VNC for that.
However, my image doesn't provide Xorg and as far as I know VNC works with some X remote connectivity.
Might be tricky to do it and most likely you'll need to build QLC+ on X11 yourself.
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:35 pm
Real Name: stephane

Thanks Massimo.
I will try the VNC solution
mcallegari wrote:Not sure I understand.
To start/stop qlcplus with the GUI just do

Code: Select all

service qlcplus start/stop
If you want to see the GUI on your PC via SSH, then it's totally another story, and it's a generic Linux question.
You might need to use VNC for that.
However, my image doesn't provide Xorg and as far as I know VNC works with some X remote connectivity.
Might be tricky to do it and most likely you'll need to build QLC+ on X11 yourself.
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