Video playback: Video frame background color?

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Posts: 46
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 11:13 am
Real Name: Daniel

I'm rather new to QLC+ and I started to use it for timelined light shows alongside other dmx software (on Windows7).

Edit: It works today after a system reboot, I'm not able to reproduce the following issue:
I tried to add a video to one of my programmed shows which works very well but unfortunately the video frame does not show up when QLC+ runs in kiosk mode.
I could not find any information if this is not "intended" for the kiosk mode or if this might be just a little bug. It's not a big issue but I would prefer to run QLC+ in kiosk mode when I'm just starting shows.

I'm also wondering if it's possible to use a QT style to set the color of the video frame background to black or if there's another solution than changing the window style of the whole system.
I tried different entries in the QT style and ended up with a black QLC+ except for the video background. :P

Thanks for any help or suggestions in advance,
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By default the video background is black in Linux.
I have no idea why it is white in Windows but I could investigate and see if it can be changed
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue May 26, 2015 11:13 am
Real Name: Daniel

I just installed qlc+ on my ubuntu 14.04.2 system, did I overlooked something that should be obvious or why isn't there even a button to add a video available? :?

(Tried both the .deb package and building from source)
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bestdani wrote:I just installed qlc+ on my ubuntu 14.04.2 system, did I overlooked something that should be obvious or why isn't there even a button to add a video available? :?
(Tried both the .deb package and building from source)
This is off-topic
Videos are available only on Qt5, so not on released .deb and not if you build from sources using Qt4
Use the Qt5 build instructions: ... -build-Qt5
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