MIDI Control Basics

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Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:47 am
Real Name: Daniel

Hi, I am looking for a run-down about physical control with the QLC+ software. My USB DMX interface does not support inputs, so having a physical DMX console triggering functions in the software is not possible. But I keep seeing MIDI control out there and I am trying to grasp it. When I think MIDI I think music, those three Red/Blue/Yellow cables connecting a keyboard to a computer and the data being transmitted are notes. That was my understanding, but I keep seeing things for MIDI control, USB devices with physical sliders and buttons to mock up a physical console to interface with QLC+.

I am looking for a couple things, a primer on how it all works in that regards, link are appreciated but I am looking for QLC+ info. Also any links to products, if this is something I can explore right now, I'd be looking at $40-$65 MIDI interface to play with knobs and buttons. (Linux Xubuntu System, USB)

Thank you!

Posts: 637
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 6:30 pm
Real Name: David


You can you pretty much any MIDI USB interface. (most USB controllers with knobs and faders are USB MIDI controllers)

This page http://qlcplus.org/docs/midiplugin.html talks about Behringer BCF2000 or KORG nanoKONTROL.

Many others exist.

Look throughout the forum, people have been using many different devices.
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari


See the row: MIDI, column: Notes
And there are many more surely supported.

MIDI is not just MIDI files or MIDI keyboards. There are pads, drum machines, sequencers, foot controllers, synthesizers, etc that don't necessarily send out only notes. There's a lot more in the MIDI specs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI#Messages

By the way, where did you see 3 colored wires for MIDI ? As far as I know it is a single cable and usually it is black: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI#Connectors
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:47 am
Real Name: Daniel

Thanks guys for the reply, I keep seeing that KORG unit pop up in discussions, I think I may be sold on it.

As for the cables, I remember RadioShack sold them, https://www.google.com/search?q=radio+s ... 760&spud=0
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:21 pm
Real Name: Hans_Jörg


I am trying to configure a MIDI link between QLC+ and mixxx.

Actually I have a virtual midi device which is showing data from mixxx, but die MIDI data seems to be lost somewhere and is not received (Mixxx is sending to miditrough and Virtual Raw Midi at the same time).

Code: Select all

kini@L64 ~ $ aconnect -io -l
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
    0 'Timer           '
    1 'Announce        '
	Connecting To: 131:0
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
    0 'Midi Through Port-0'
	Connecting To: 129:1[real:0]
	Connected From: 129:0
    1 'Midi Through Port-1'
    2 'Midi Through Port-2'
    3 'Midi Through Port-3'
client 44: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 7-0' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 7-0     '
	Connecting To: 45:0, 128:9[real:0], 129:9[real:0], 131:0, 130:0
	Connected From: 128:8, 45:0, 129:8
client 45: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 7-1' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 7-1     '
	Connecting To: 44:0, 131:0
	Connected From: 44:0
client 46: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 7-2' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 7-2     '
	Connecting To: 131:0
client 47: 'Virtual Raw MIDI 7-3' [type=kernel]
    0 'VirMIDI 7-3     '
	Connecting To: 131:0
client 130: 'qlcplus' [type=user]
    0 '__QLC__         '
	Connecting To: 131:0
	Connected From: 131:0, 44:0
client 131: 'KMidimon' [type=user]
    0 'KMidimon        '
	Connecting To: 130:0
	Connected From: 0:1, 44:0, 45:0, 46:0, 47:0, 130:0
kini@L64 ~ $ amidi -p hw:7 -d

90 40 22
   41 19
   42 24
   43 34
   44 2A
   45 7F
   46 09
   47 00
   48 00
   49 7F
   4A 2A
   4B 00
   4C 00
   50 1F
   51 16
   52 23
   53 32
   54 28
   55 7F
   56 00
   57 00
   58 00
   59 7F
   5A 22
   5B 00
   5C 00
   60 24
   61 1A
   62 25
   63 35
Anybody knowing, what is the problem?

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