Artnet output IP - Change request

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i have a Feature request. I would like to change the following thing:


Problem: We use an VPN Connection to remote Control Light.

My Home Network is The Remote Network is (Artnet Interface

In other Programs you could change the IP Adress to another one an send Artnet over VPN.

Could you change it, so that we can do this?

Thank you

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I'm not so expert of VPNs, but can't Windows expose a virtual interface to the VPN itself that you can directly use in QLC+ ?
In the end a VPN is a private network and your PC must have an IP address to access it.
If QLC+ can "see" that output address, there is no need to change the current code.
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Hi Massimo

But it may be the case when the router sets up a VPN tunnel and redirects traffic only on a given subnet, in which case it is required that the move was directed at a particular IP address by the current interface network.
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adriankapka wrote:But it may be the case when the router sets up a VPN tunnel and redirects traffic only on a given subnet, in which case it is required that the move was directed at a particular IP address by the current interface network.
Adrian, can you please tell me which netmask you have on the interface accessing the VPN ? Thanks.
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adriankapka is right. The Tunnel only routes to an given subnet. So i have to change tthe net in QLC+
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Bump. Are you interested in this change or not ?

I've made it in GIT. If you reply to this I will build a Windows test version, otherwise I won't.
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i am interested :)

Thank you for your help.
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Windows test version available here:

Please test and report here if the artnet change works for you
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Hello mcallegari,

do you have uploaded it?

i cannot change the Ip-Adress yet:


It should be possible to change like the "255" in The picture.

Thank you :)

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Morphinus21 wrote:do you have uploaded it?
Have you downloaded the today TEST version ? It should say QLC+ 4.9.2 GIT

Anyway, same question for you: which netmask are you using ?
Now the output IP "editable" boxes are based on the interface subnet mask. If you're using it's obvious you can change only the 4th number of the IP.
For a 192.168.20.x IP you should have a netmask like, otherwise how can you possibly reach it ?
(unless this is one of the Windows misteries I will never understand...)
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Yeah i am an IT Technician and it is quite difficult.. How should i explain it...

I have downloaded the Test Version :)

You have an Ip-Net of where the Artnet interface ist standing.

The Remote Network ( e.g. my Home) has

Both Sides are connected thru an Site2Site VPN

I can Ping every Adress in the Remote Network thru the Tunnel but QLC+ doesnt see the Artnet Interface.

In Pc Dimmer you can change the whole IP-Adress you will send to and you can remote doing your show:


Can you change it so, that the hole IP-Adress can be changed in a /24 Subnet?


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Leaving the whole IP field as editable is exactly what I wanted to avoid...

Anyway the subnet solution doesn't seem to work. So I'll think of something else.

By the way, how can Windows know how to route a 192.168.20.x packet to a 192.168.30.x network if the subnet is ??
Basically is like not having the netmask...breaking all the rules of networking ever invented...
No wonder why Windows has all those security flaws that required hundreds of patches across the years...
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Windows doesn't know it, the firewall (Router or HArdware Firewall like Sophos UTM) (who ist making the VPN) knows how to route... Windows is sending the uknown Pakets to the Firewall and is routing it to the correct network.

So if you enter in QLC+ the whole IP Adress the Firewall knows how to route it.
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Morphinus21 wrote:Windows is sending the uknown Pakets to the Firewall and is routing it to the correct network.
This doesn't make any sense to me.
It means, as I said, that the subnet mask has totally no value in Windows.
A network stack should match each packet with the subnet mask and decide to forward or discard it.

So basically you're telling me that if I send a packet to on an interface with IP, Windows will let the "unknown packet" through to the router/firewall ??
Total non sense in my opinion. It's a perfect vehicle for network flooding and spoofing.

I'd be curious to see if Linux works differently from this...
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Anyway, can you please set your interface netmask to and see if the test version works ?
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If the Firewall/Router dont know what do to and if you configured it right, nothing happends and the Paket is dropped.

"Normal" Users and Environments normally doesn't send such Pakets to others Networks, because they have no need to do this.

It would be nice if the Option to Send to an IP Adress entered could be possible :) Windows is special in some things i know.

Edit: Yeah i can change my Subnet Mask and tell you
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If i chance the Subnet Mask you can change the 3 Field of the IP Adress
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Can you please copy the output of the command "ipconfig /all" here ? Thanks.
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Just a quick response here about the networking discussion. I'm probably missing something but it seems that the debate is about the basic operation of packet routing in an IP network. I think there may be some confusion about the role of netmask. The function of a netmask is to tell the IP network stack how to distinguish local IP addresses (hosts that are connected to the same local net as my machine) from those IP addresses that are remote (must be routed).

> So basically you're telling me that if I send a packet to on an interface with IP, Windows
> will let the "unknown packet" through to the router/firewall ?? Total non sense in my opinion. It's a perfect vehicle for
> network flooding and spoofing.

Assuming that the interface has been configured with a default route set up to a router, then, yes, this is exactly what needs to happen. Otherwise you would never be able to contact any machines other than those on your local network. Note that you don't "send a packet to on an interface with IP"... you send a packet to It is the network stack that figures out where it goes based on its connected interfaces and routing table.

When I try to ping "," after the appropriate DNS lookup, I get some IP address ( which is not directly connected to my local network. The network stack knows this by looping through all my directly connected interfaces and seeing if the network address (IPaddr bitwise_and not netmask) matches the network address for Google's IP. If it does, the message is just sent on the local interface directed at the IP address in question. If it isn't, then it looks first for a route that is specific to this network and then for a default route. For most machines, the default route points to a router on the one network interface. The packet is sent to the router where it will forward it out one of its *other* interfaces on its way to the destination. If at any point the packet cannot be forwarded because of a missing route, a "no route to host" response is returned (if using TCP).

In other words, IP addresses that are not on your local network (as defined by the interface netmask) will get sent to your router for further processing. If this didn't happen, you probably couldn't be reading this message.

So, what I believe the OP is asking is to say, "I want to connect to a specific ArtNet device by IP address and that address is not on my local network. Just let me type in the address of the device." For that matter, a host name resolved through DNS should also be legitimate here. This seems like a reasonable request when dealing with lighting equipment at remote sites.

As an aside, the netmask is also used to determine the broadcast IP address for your local network... (yourIPaddr bitwise_or netmask).

Apologies if this is all terribly remedial and I completely missed the point of your discussion... :)

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A few pears among the apples will give a good cider!

AFAI can remember, TCP/IP is in that case like the russian Matryoshka puppets, the foreign IP package is wrapped and covered by the sender.
In this local-net box it reaches the gateway and then the router "frees" that foreign package again...
or am I wrong?
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