QLC+ and Touch OSC via Osculator as a Midi Input Device

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Joined: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:37 pm
Real Name: Alex1

Hi Im a new user of this fantastic software thanks! The LED matrix functions are amazing!

Im trying to use Touch OSC via Osculator http://www.osculator.net/ as a midi input device but cant seem to get it recognized as a midi device by QLC+. I appreciate that QLC+ will work with Touch OSC direct but I want Touch OSC to control more than one application at a time.

Any ideas!

Thanks!!!! :)
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Hi, more details please.
Can you see Osculator listed at all as a MIDI device in QLC+ ?
How does Osculator send MIDI data to QLC+ ? Which channel ? Notes/CC/PC ?
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Out of curiosity I tried it myself and got it working in 10 minutes
The nasty part is the Apple IAC driver, explained here: http://www.osculator.net/doc/faq:midi

As for the rest, just load a Touch OSC -> MIDI template provided by OSCulator, set the correct OSC input pot and that's it
In QLC+ select the IAC Driver input
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