4.9.1 crashes when adding sequences to a show.

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This is the project. I get 3-5 chase or sequence additions to a track before the program simply quits.

Windows 7 OS.
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More details are needed.

Does it happen randomly, or can you reproduce the crash 100% of the time ? If so, can you provide a list of steps to make QLC+ crash ?
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It always happens, just at different times.

I THINK it is always when I am adding a new sequence to one of the tracks in the show display. I happened once when I added a new chase.

I have only been working in the show display. I can do more testing later today.

Windows 7.

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@plugz: haven't you fixed infinite time on Show items ? Maybe this is the case and it's already fixed ?
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mcallegari wrote:@plugz: haven't you fixed infinite time on Show items ? Maybe this is the case and it's already fixed ?
It's true that without the fix, it's easy to add a sequence with a wrong start time. We won't know until BamBam can test the fix.
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Is there a newer version/patch from 4.9.1? I am running a download from last Friday.
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BamBam wrote:Is there a newer version/patch from 4.9.1? I am running a download from last Friday.
No there isn't (for Windows)
I'll produce a Windows TEST version soon
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I am getting the same quitting behavior with other show functions like copy/paste and new track additions.

Could the show file be the problem?
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