Keep functions running after script?

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The Geek Kid

Hi! I am trying to create a script to flash our house lights during intermission (we currently have the interface setup as a busking type interface - so the script stops the house light functions, then starts a flashing chase). I have everything working, except that I need the house lights to come back up after running the script. If I put a start function at the end of the script, it dies as soon as the script is ended. Is there a way to avoid this?

Here is my script:
stopfunction:9 // House Full
stopfunction:8 // House - No Front
startfunction:26 // Flash House Lights 1
// Here is where I would like to add:
// startfunction:8 // House - No Front
// but even if I put a wait timer in so it gets to full fade before the script ends, it kills the house lights as soon as the wait timer is up.

Thanks in advance for the help!
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From my point of view this is still an issue.
I expect a function called by a script to run until it is stopped. Situation at the moment is that a function is stopped at the moment a script is finished. Is there some kind of workaround like an everlasting script?

Best regards,
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A chaser where the first step is the script and the second step is "House - No Front" with infinite duration ?
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Thank you for the feedback Massimo!
I'll keep that in mind.
My working solution at the moment is to set

Code: Select all

as last row of the script.

It's a bit confusing when you have start and stop functions but everything that was started in the script is automatically stopped, once the script is finished.

I really enjoy the script feature. It would be great to have additional functions/methods, variables, statements and loops. But I know that would end in a very complex interpreter very fast.
Maybe a task for someone who has too much sparetime and doesn't know what to do :P
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mobaer wrote:It's a bit confusing when you have start and stop functions but everything that was started in the script is automatically stopped, once the script is finished.
A Script is a QLC+ Function like all the others, and, like every QLC+ Function, when it's stopped, it stops all the "children" functions it started. (like what happens in a Collection if you like)
mobaer wrote:It would be great to have additional functions/methods, variables, statements and loops. But I know that would end in a very complex interpreter very fast.
Indeed, but Scripts are potentially dangerous and can make your PC explode ( :D ), so we need to evaluate carefully every new command we add.
A while ago someone asked for a "stopall" command. I asked them a question about the feature and they didn't even reply.
If this is the interest around Scripts, then they can stay as they are now :)
mobaer wrote:Maybe a task for someone who has too much sparetime and doesn't know what to do :P
Not me then :D
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Any chance that this would change?

I need to start a few functions (scenes) when booting my raspberry, but I can only add one startup function.

So I tried starting the scenes I want thru a startup script but found out they release as soon as the script stops, as mentioned in this thread.

Another solution for me would be if it would be possible to add multiple functions to the startup functions.
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Did you try to put the scenes in a Collection?
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Continuing the thread necromancy, I too found that a behavior like this would be useful. I added a new script step that will run a function after the script has killed all its child functions. I can find a spot to upload the code changes if there is interest.
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tubaguy wrote: Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:10 am Continuing the thread necromancy, I too found that a behavior like this would be useful. I added a new script step that will run a function after the script has killed all its child functions. I can find a spot to upload the code changes if there is interest.
Hi, is there any progress? I need this feature a lot! Thank you.
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Real Name: Jeff Vance

Yea. Let me find the code I added to make it happen
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Real Name: Jeff Vance

And the files I tweaked. This was in the 4.12.2 code chain. Added Final Function to the UI and engine.
I tagged my edits with //hack.
Added a script step to run a final function
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